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At Herff, we believe that talent and potential count for more than the ability to pay. When financial barriers prevent talented students from expanding or completing their education, it is a loss for society. The University of Memphis has a wide variety of scholarship opportunities available to students. In addition, Herff offers scholarships specific to engineering students. 

Herff Scholarships

Herff Merit Scholarship

In-state $4,000 year (Maximum of 4 years)
Out-of-state $5,000 year (Maximum of 4 years)
Fulfill one of the following requirements:
3.5 GPA and either 26 Composite ACT + 26 ACT Math or 1230 SAT + 610 SAT Math
3.75 GPA and either 25 Composite ACT + 26 ACT Math or 1200 SAT + 610 SAT Math
4.0 GPA and either 24 Composite ACT + 26 ACT Math or 1160 SAT + 610 SAT Math

Herff Transfer Scholarships               

$3,000/ year (Maximum 3 years)
3.25 GPA 
Completion of the following courses:
Calculus I, Physics I with Lab, English Composition I & II and Chemistry I with lab


Maintenance of Scholarships

  1. A student is eligible to receive the Herff Engineering Merit Scholarship for a maximum of 8 semesters. This includes the initial award year (2 semesters) and 6 additional semesters. A student may petition the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Administration to put their award on hold for a maximum of 2 semesters.
  2. The scholarship will be terminated if the student changes to a non-engineering major.
  3. A student awarded a Herff Engineering Merit Scholarship must make progress toward an engineering degree during the academic year (Fall, Spring). This requirement varies depending on major, but in general, implies that you are on track according to the standard curriculum plan of your program (see the catalog). If you have questions, contact the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Administration. You may petition the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Administration to count courses taken in the summer toward this requirement.  No scholarship money will be allocated for summer courses.  A student must be full-time during each of the regular semesters (Fall, Spring). Failure to make adequate progress toward degree may result in the termination of the Herff Engineering Merit Scholarship.   
  4. During the first two semesters, a student must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher.  Thereafter, the student must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher. If the student’s cumulative GPA is below the specified target for any single semester, the scholarship may be terminated. In subsequent semesters, if your GPA achieves the minimum, you may appeal to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Administration to have your scholarship reinstated. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate this appeal.
  5. Your award amount may be adjusted based upon your total award package, and financial aid guidelines.
  6. Recipients of the Herff Engineering Merit Scholarship are ineligible to apply for other Herff Engineering private or departmental scholarships, unless they receive permission from the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Administration.
  7. The specific scholarship fund from which your award is made may change from year-to-year.

University of Memphis Scholarships

Continuing student scholarships are handled through the University of Memphis' Tiger Scholarship Manager (TSM). Access to TSM is available through the myMemphis portal or through the UofM scholarship site

Tiger Scholarship Manager >


Herff Graduate Fellowships

DESCRIPTION: The Herff Fellowship provides financial support to outstanding graduate students in the Herff College of Engineering to support their studies toward the MS or PhD degree. MS students are supported for a maximum of 3 semesters, and PhD students for a maximum of 5 semesters (excluding summers). The typical stipend is $8500 per semester and is usually augmented by a tuition waiver and summer support.. Applications are reviewed by a committee consisting of the graduate coordinators from the eligible departments within the college. Awards are granted to highly qualified applicants consistent with Herff College goals. 

Herff Graduate Fellowship Instructions and Application >


DEADLINE: Applications and letters of recommendation are to be emailed to herffgradfellowapps@memphis.edu or mailed to the Director of Graduate Programs, Herff College of Engineering, Engineering Administration 201, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152. Applications must be received no later than March 1 to be considered for the following academic year. The notification process will begin in April or earlier.

EXPECTATIONS: Candidates should define their research interests and identify their potential faculty advisor when applying for a Fellowship. International recipients must be present on campus two weeks before the start of classes to finalize the award. Domestic recipients must be present on campus one week before the start of classes to finalize the award. Recipients who miss these deadlines may forfeit the award for that semester and possibly the academic year. Specific duties of the student will be assigned by the Department Chairs in consultation with Herff College Administration and may include tutoring engineering students or laboratory instruction.

ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants include: Bachelors degree graduates intending to pursue graduate studies, Masters degree graduates (or candidates), and current PhD candidates from accredited engineering programs.

LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION: Two or more letters of recommendation are to be submitted using the following email herffgradfellowapps@memphis.edu

CRITERIA FOR AWARDING FELLOWSHIPS: The candidate must: Be admitted to the graduate program by the Graduate School and the College of Engineering, and/or the appropriate Engineering Department; Possess appropriate verbal and written communication skills; Demonstrate potential for success in the engineering profession through past honors/awards, leadership, publications and professional experience(s).
Identify a major faculty advisor and research interest for their graduate studies.

Post-Doctoral Fellowships

DEADLINE: Not accepting applications at this time.

JOB SUMMARY: Will perform post-doctoral research related to areas in civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering. Applicant should have a faculty sponsor in the Herff College of Engineering with whom he/she plans to work.
Minimum Qualifications: Ph.D. degree in civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering.

PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Should have the capabilities to design and perform experimental plans, to understand statistical analysis procedures, to analyze and interpret data, to oversee lab procedures and lab personnel/students, to prepare data, write reports/articles for technical publications and to assist in proposal development. Should have sufficient interpersonal skills in dealing with students (graduate and undergraduate), co-workers, alumni, clients, university personnel and other related groups. Should have excellent computer skills.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Position is funded for one year with possible extension for an additional year. Applicant should have a faculty sponsor in the Herff College of Engineering with whom he/she plans to work. The sponsor will be required to summarize the proposed research plans and attach that to the application.

SALARY: Commensurate with education and experience, up to $42,000/year.

Screening of applicants for the two postdoctoral positions will begin on TBD and may continue until the position is filled. Starting date for these positions is TBD. The University of Memphis is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

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