Student Services: MATLAB

As part of The University of Memphis MATLAB site license, all faculty, staff, and students have access to hands-on learning through Online Training Courses - at no extra cost.

The University of Memphis MATLAB Portal

LINK to update your license

Our Online Training Courses allows new and existing users to learn to use MATLAB effectively. Courses include interactive MATLAB exercises for fast and relevant learning. Quizzes test your knowledge and provide immediate feedback.

These online courses are intended for beginning users as well as those looking for more in-depth training.

Available courses:

  • MATLAB Onramp
  • MATLAB Fundamentals
  • MATLAB for Financial Applications
  • MATLAB Programming Techniques
  • MATLAB for Data Processing and Visualization
  • Solving Ordinary Differential Equations with MATLAB
  • Introduction to Linear Algebra with MATLAB
  • Introduction to Statistical Methods with MATLAB
  • Solving Nonlinear Equations with MATLAB

MATLAB installation is not required. Just log in with your MathWorks account to begin.

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