Jermiah Tate, Biomedical Engineering Alum

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Jermiah Tate

Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering (2024)

Current Residence
Memphis, TN

Current Employer
J. Amber Jennings, PhD Biomaterials Research Laboratory



What influenced your decision to attend Herff College of Engineering?

My decision to attend Herff College of Engineering was influenced by the high-level, resourceful research experience I always dreamed of experiencing in my hometown. The Herff College of Engineering includes the most supportive and knowledgeable faculty and staff members. The members are committed to service, research, and development.

How did Herff prepare you for your career?
Herff prepared me for my career by exposing me to several conferences, internships, networking events, and entrepreneurial programs. I know that my next stop is filled with a supportive team. I am glad to receive ongoing advice and leadership from the department.

What skills or knowledge did you learn throughout the program that you found most helpful in your career?
The skills and knowledge that I learned throughout the program that I found most useful in my career is the importance of problem-solving, organization, professionalism, and discipline.

Who was your most impactful professor? Why?
My most impactful professor is Dr. J. Amber Jennings. Dr. Jennings continues to serve as my professor and Principal Investigator. She is my most impactful professor because she honors her job and the students. She looks out for our well-being and success at all times. I really enjoy working with Dr. Jennings!

Were you involved in student groups? If so, which one(s)?
Yes, I was involved in student groups. The Chess Club was the first club I joined at the University of Memphis. I was appointed to create the club sweatshirt designs. I was also involved with the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) in which I presented at conferences and developed activities for students K-12 to complete on The Herff College of Engineering Day.

What support(s) did you have during your time as a college student? How did you keep focused on the goal?
My PI, committee members, professors, peers, and family never left my side. I kept focus on my goal because I had no other option. People say, "You could have given up or changed fields." Engineers use what we know to develop solutions to a problem. Giving up means to stop being an engineer. If I stop being an engineer, I help no one. I solve zero problems. I am aware of my purpose. I live for staying focused on the goal.

What was your greatest memory from your time at Herff?
My greatest memory from my time at Herff was entering the lab at 3am to finish two electrospun membranes at a reasonable time in the evening; however, I ended up leaving around 10 p.m.

What advice would you give those considering enrolling in Herff College of Engineering?
The advice I would give those considering enrolling in Herff College of Engineering is to understand the importance of Environmental, Health, and Safety before working alone.

What do you know now that you wish you had known during your time at Herff?
I know now that time management is important for my health.

Was your Herff experience worth the price? If you could do it over again, what would you do differently?
My Herff experience was worth all the blood, sweat, and tears. If I could do it over again, I would become more involved in BMES.