Keith Alan Krapels, Electrical Engineering Alum
MSEE (2000)
Current Residence
Huntsville, AL
Current Employer
US Army Space & Missile Defense Command
What influenced your decision to attend Herff College of Engineering?
I wanted to be an electrical engineer.
How did Herff prepare you for your career?
Not only did i get the advanced degrees and knowledge in the MSSE & PhD, but my advisors
mentored me to apply for and do an AFOSR fellowship ultimately creating my desire
to do R&D for DoD. They also pushed me to write conference papers and participate
in professional societies. Which put me on the path to becoming a recognized expert
and leader in my fields.
What skills or knowledge did you learn throughout the program that you found most
helpful in your career?
Initiative and independence to build self confidence in my technical knowledge and
Who was your most impactful professor? Why?
Dr. Carl Halford. He provided mentorship and guidance throughout my educational experience
and beyond. His Work ethic and leadership example provided the baseline for my own.
And he remained in touch feeding students and graduates into the DoD lab internships
and as new hires.
Were you involved in student groups? If so, which one(s)?
IEEE and SPIE professional society local chapters.
What support(s) did you have during your time as a college student? How did you keep
focused on the goal?
Thoughout my graduate program, i had assistantships. As a Master’s student, i had
a teaching assistantship and thought EE undergraduate labs. During the PhD, i had
a research and teaching assistantship and taught undergraduate EE lower division classes.
These opportunities not only ensured i became expert, but grew my confidence in standing
in front of large groups. And polished my communications skills and ability to “read”
and audience.
What was your greatest memory from your time at Herff?
Working in the labs with my battle buddy Dr. Ron Driggers (now an Endowed Full Professor
at the University of Arizona Wyant College of Optical Sciences). The relationship
started in grad school has endured and evolved and been really beneficial throughout
my career.
What advice would you give those considering enrolling in Herff College of Engineering?
Want it. Work hard. The material is tough, but the reward/result is worth the effort.
There is a tremendous amount of satisfaction is researching/designing/building/testing
new technologies into new systems. And the relationships you build while at Herff
will last a lifetime.
What do you know now that you wish you had known during your time at Herff?
People and relationships are as important as the technical knowledge and skills. Most
everything in life is a team effort. People skills aren’t really taught in Engineering.
Was your Herff experience worth the price? If you could do it over again, what would
you do differently?