Egg Drop


Teams  are required to purchase their own  materials and build their Egg Drop container prior to arrival at the competition. Students in middle school and high school may participate in this event.

Middle School Division:
The objective of this competition is to design and construct a container which will prevent 1 raw egg from breaking when the container is dropped. The competition will be judged on the number of times the container can be dropped without breaking the egg.  The egg and container may be dropped by a competition official at several different heights, from 1.5, 2.5, and/or 3.5 floor staircase landings. Each competition entry must be designed by a team of 2-5 middle school students. 

High School Division:
The objective of this competition is to design and construct a container which will prevent 2 raw eggs from breaking when the container is dropped. The competition will be judged on the number of times the container can be dropped without breaking the eggs.  The eggs and container may be dropped by a competition official at several different heights, from 1.5, 2.5, and/or 3.5 floor staircase landings. Each competition entry must be designed by a team of 2-5 high school students. 

Design Principals

The following principles constrain the design and materials used so that the competition is safe and does not damage UofM property. The judges will not allow a container to be dropped if they deem that it does not follow these principles.

Containers must:

  • Not be dangerous to spectators while falling or after impact
  • Not damage the landing surface
  • Not make a mess that cannot be quickly picked up after impact


The following rules are based on the principles listed above. However, the following rules do not exhaust every possibility, and the judges have final discretion of what is not allowed within the design principles. 

  • Containers must be ready for loading at the site of competition. Only the eggs supplied by competition officials on site may be used.
  • Containers may not be “fixed” between drops, except to replace the egg after inspection.
  • Containers must be designed so that they may be dropped from any position. They must also be immediately reusable.  
  • Containers must entirely fit within a 12 in × 12 in × 12 in cube before drop. It must hold one egg (middle school division) or two eggs (high school division) before and after release.
  • Containers must weigh less than 5 lbs. or 2.27 kg
  • Containers must hit an approximately 12 ft × 4 ft landing zone on every drop.
  • The judges must be able to access the eggs for inspection after landing.
  • No parachutes allowed. This will be strictly enforced.
  • Containers must not break into many small pieces upon impact.


Containers must not contain the following:

‐liquid or gel

‐food products

‐many small pieces (such as shredded paper)

‐a large quantity of metal (such as a steel frame)

‐Styrofoam in any form

**To be clear, the judges may consider any material with the suffix FOAM to be Styrofoam.  A strict interpretation of this rule will be applied to all containers.


Material Allowances:

• Wood


•Paper products



•Rubber bands     




•Bubble wrap







Primary Scoring
Criteria Poor (0 points) Fair (10 Points) Good (20 Points) Excellent (30 Points)
Height of Last Drop Does not survive any drop. Survives drop from the lowest height (1.5 floor staircase landing). Survives drop from mid-height (2.5 floor staircase landing). Survives drop from highest height (3.5 floor staircase landing).
Additional Scoring if Ties
Criteria Poor (0 points) Fair (10 Points) Good (20 Points) Excellent (30 Points)
Originality Lacks originality; design is very common. Basic design with few original elements. Creative design with some unique features. Highly innovative design that stands out from others.
Ease of Access to Egg After Drop Egg(s) are very difficult to access with significant damage to drop device; difficult to inspect. Egg(s) are somewhat difficult to access; results in some damage to drop device. Egg(s) are mostly accessible with minimal damage to drop device; easy to inspect. Egg(s) are easily accessible without damage to drop device; quick to inspect.



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