eDay Activities and Demonstrations
All activities listed on this page are open to everyone. You do not need to register to participate, but we are asking you to register for your visit to campus. Use the same registration form, and select the only interested in demonstration option.
The photobooth will be set up on the second floor lobby of the Engineering Administration Building. All pictures will be posted to our gallery, and a link will be mailed to all those who check in to the event.
Departmental Activities
Golden Mean Calipers
Location: Engineering Technology 238
Explore how precise measurement can contribute to creative designs
- Have students design intricate geometric patterns or technical drawings using specific measurements
- Encourage precise us of calipers for spacing and lengths
- Display the completed artwork in class
How to build a simple AM radio transceiver and demonstration
Andrew Garth
Location: Engineering Science 222
Ultrasound Hands-On
Carl Herickhoff
Location: Engineering Technology 322b
Demo of ultrasound imaging
Bioresorbale Vascular Grafts
Gary Bowlin
Location: Engineering Technology 120
Demo of vascular graft design and fabrication
ABCs of ECGs
Amy Curry
Location: Engineering Technology 322a
Demo of how to measure the heart's electrical activity
Dancing acoustic bubbles and microstreaming
Yuan Gao, ygao6@memphis.edu
Location: Engineering Science 323
Ultrasonic powder dispersion device
Ranga Gopalakrishnan, rgplkrsh@memphis.edu
Location: Engineering Science 325
Materials testing and 3D metal printing
Amir Hadadzadeh, hddzadeh@memphis.edu
Location: Engineering Science 319
Drone demonstration
Danny Foti, dvfoti@memphis.edu
Location: Edwards Research and Innovation Center 104
AIAA Design/Build/Fly Plane
Danny Foti, dvfoti@memphis.edu
Location: Edwards Research and Innovation Center 104
Fatigue and fracture of materials and structures
Ali Fatemi, afatemi@memphis.edu
Location: Engineering Science 115
Metal Additive Manufacturing
Seyed Hojjat, shjjtzdh@memphis.edu
Location: Engineering Technology 120
Baja Car
Vipin Agarwal, vkgarwal@memphis.edu
Location: Engineering Courtyard
Everything is a Heat Transfer Problem: Visualizing Heat Transfer
Alex Headley, jheadley@memphis.edu
Location: Engineering Science 308
Industrial Robotics/Automation Demo
Location: Engineering Technology, 226
Kevin Berisso, kberriso@memphis.edu
Shooting Targets with Statapults (Walkup Challenge)
Location: Engineering Technology, 200
Rajesh Balasubramanian, rbalasub@memphis.edu
Radio Without a Battery Challenge (Walk up activity)
This challenge will be conducted five stations at a time.
Faruk Ahmed, mfahmed@memphis.edu
Location: Engineering Technology 233
Robot Demonstration
Dan Kohn, dekohn@memphis.edu
Location: Engineering Administration, 2nd Floor Lobby
Robotics Tic-Tac-Toe (Walkup Challenge)
Location: Engineering Technology, 226
Matt Hale, mhale2@memphis.edu
Earthquake Engineering Demonstration
Shahram Pezeshk, spezeshk@memphis.edu
Location: Edwards Research and Innovation Center 102
Robot Control through Learning (Demonstration)
Location: Engineering Science, 231
Mohammadreza Davoodi, mdavoodi@memphis.edu
Flood Modeling and Remote Sensing Applications
Location: Engineering Science, 313
Rouzbeh Nazari, rnazari@memphis.edu
Capacity: 50
Demonstrations conducted 30 minutes intervals
This demonstration will showcase cutting-edge techniques in flood modeling and how remote sensing technologies are applied to monitor and analyze flood-prone areas. Attendees will gain insights into the tools and methods used to predict and manage flooding events effectively.
Micro CT Scanning of Civil Engineering Materials
Location: CE Corridor (1st Floor Engineering Science Building)
Farhad Jazaei, fjazaei@memphis.edu
Capacity: 10
Demonsration time: 5 minutes
In this demonstration, I will present the results of CT scanning conducted on various structural materials, highlighting the intricate details and internal structures revealed through this advanced imaging technique. I will also showcase a selection of videos that illustrate the capabilities of our CT scanning process, providing a deeper understanding of its applications and advantages. Furthermore, I will discuss the state-of-the-art CT scan machine available on our campus.
Micro Plastic Pollution
Location: Engineering Science, 207
Farhad Jazaei, fjazaei@memphis.edu
Capacity: 10
Demonstration time: 10 minutes
I will provide a brief overview of microplastic pollution, focusing on its presence and impact across three critical environmental compartments: water, soil, and air. Following this, I will introduce our advanced research capabilities, highlighting our cutting-edge microscopy and micro-FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) spectroscopy equipment, which are integral to our investigations into microplastic analysis. To offer a hands-on perspective, I will guide participants on a tour of our environmental laboratory, showcasing a range of specialized equipment used in our studies of microplastic behavior, fate, and impact in various environmental contexts.
Video Synchronization With Motion Simulation
An immersive haptic video experience utilizing motion simulators.
Mitch Alsup, malsup@outlook.com
Location: Edwards Research and Innovation Center 223A
Water on Wheels (WOW)
Location: Engineering Parking Lot
Water on Wheels (WOW) is a mobile learning experience focused on the science of water. Why water? Because water is essential for life.
The WOW is a teaching tool that allows schools to increase student knowledge about the water cycle and its impact on daily life. Instead of taking an off-site field trip, the WOW is a field trip that comes to your school at a fraction of the cost and time, in the form of a 24' trailer that is a mini-museum.
Inside the WOW, educational displays are colorful, interactive, and visually appealing. Because the source of tap water for the Mid-South is groundwater, one important display in the WOW spotlights the Memphis aquifer system, a vast underground resource with some of the cleanest water on Earth.
Additional Activities
University Schools Table
Join University of Memphis Campus School STEM Committee in hands-on activities to
explore engineering in the world around you! Participants will have the opportunity
to participate in demonstrations and interactive activities about engineering. This
session will be geared towards elementary students, but all are welcome to come explore!
Location: Engineering Administration 1st Floor Hallway
SWE Activities
Location: Engineering Administration 2nd Floor Lobby
Location: Engineering Administration 2nd Floor Lobby