Andrew Assadollahi, CE Alum

60 for 60 profile pictureDegrees
Master's of Science in Civil Engineering('10)
Ph.D. in Engineering ('13)

Current Residence
Southaven, MS

Current Employer
Christian Brothers University








What influenced your decision to attend Herff College of Engineering?
When I was applying to graduate schools, I was met with a warm and professional welcome by the Herff College of Engineering.  Also, I was offered a competitive assistantship to fund my graduate studies.

How did Herff prepare you for your career?
During both my master's degree and Ph.D., I was able to take ownership of my research projects; but also had many opportunities to teach and mentor undergraduate students.  This helped mold my interest in becoming a faculty member who focuses on undergraduate engineering education.  After having the opportunity to be a TA for Statics, Mechanics of Materials Lab, Structural Analysis 1 and 2, Intermediate Steel Design, and Soil Mechanics Lab; I knew I wanted to become a professor at a primarily undergraduate institution.

What skills or knowledge did you learn throughout the program that you found most helpful in your career?
I learned many skills during my time at the Herff College of Engineering.  Most notably, my advisor Dr. Chuck Camp instilled in me critical thinking skills, attention to detail, and how to be an effective and compassionate professor.  He taught me to always ask "Why?" and to go deeper into whatever I was exploring.  Additionally, having the opportunity to take courses from Dr. Shahram Pezeshk, Dr. Bill Segui, Dr. Roger Meier, Dr. David Arellano, and Dr. Stephanie Ivey showed me the kind of professor I wanted to become.

Who was your most impactful professor? Why?
I had several professors who had a profound impact on my time the Herff College of Engineering and my future trajectory.  Most notably, though, are Dr. Chuck Camp and Dr. Bill Segui.  Dr. Camp was my advisor for both my master's degree and Ph.D. and taught me in two courses.  Dr. Camp invested immense time and energy into my success.  Without him, I would not have become the professor I am today.  I took three courses from Dr. Segui, who is the best professor I ever had in a classroom setting.  His ability to convey information to students was unparalleled.  When I teach courses now, I often ask myself "How would Dr. Segui explain this?"

Were you involved in student groups? If so, which one(s)?

What support(s) did you have during your time as a college student? How did you keep focused on the goal?
My support system included my family, classmates, and professors.  As the time went on and I began to realize that I wanted to eventually by a faculty member, I focused on the completion of my Ph.D. to attain that goal.

What was your greatest memory from your time at Herff?
My greatest memory was working with my advisor on my research.

What advice would you give those considering enrolling in Herff College of Engineering?
Focus on your goals and reach out to faculty to help you attain those goals.

What do you know now that you wish you had known during your time at Herff?
The importance of grant writing.

Was your Herff experience worth the price? If you could do it over again, what would you do differently?
Yes, it was worth it, and I would do it all again.