Dr. Okoli Research Group

Dr. Okoli Reasearch Group

Okenwa O. I. Okoli, Ph.D, CEng, CSci, MIMMM - Curriculum Vitae

U.S. Department of Energy - Samuel P. Massie Chair of Excellence

Dr. Okoli Profile

General Information

University address:

The University of Memphis
210d Engineering Administration Building

Phone: (901) 678-4306

E-mail address: O.Okoli@memphis.edu


Dean - Herff College of Engineering, The University of Memphis

Education and Background

1997 - Ph.D., University of Warwick, UK. Major: Manufacturing Systems Engineering. Engineered Materials. Supervisor: Prof. Gordon F. Smith.

Okoli, O.I. (1997). Experimental Determination of Transient Dynamic Response of Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Warwick, UK.

1992 - M.Sc., University of Warwick, UK. Major: Manufacturing Systems Engineering. Supervisor: Dr. Ahmet Er.

Okoli, O.I. (1992). Engineering and Metallurgical Properties of Castings made by the Full Mould Process. Unpublished master's thesis, University of Warwick, UK.

1989 - B.Sc. (Hons), University of Lagos, Nigeria. Major: Mechanical Engineering.

Research Highlights

  • Cost effective, environmentally benign manufacture of advanced composites and multiscale, multifunctional structures.
  • Development of flexible MXene-polymer composites for wearable devices.
  • The enhancement of safety in critical structures through novel in-situ structural health monitoring techniques.
  • Development of 3D photovoltaic devices for energy harvesting and transport.
  • The transformational development of vascular ceramics for structural and bio-inspired applications.

Current Research Opportunities

Graduate Opportunities:

For current status on Doctoral research positions please contact Dr. Okenwa Okoli.

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