Health Sci Honors Program

SHS Students Summer Commencement 2019

Interested and qualified students majoring in undergraduate programs within the College of Health Sciences may join the Health Sci Honors Program, in addition to enrollment in the Helen Hardin Honors College (University Honors). Students who complete the Health Sci Honors Program, as well as all usual requirements for a degree within our college, will be recognized by having their degree presented "With Honors in Health Studies," a separate distinction from the "University Honors" notation.




✅ Major in an undergraduate program within the College of Health Sciences
✅ Minimum GPA of 3.25 at time of application to the program
✅ Minimum cumulative graduating GPA of 3.25

  • There will be no GPA probation tracking on a semester by semester basis.
  • It is your responsibility to know your GPA throughout the program; you must understand that you need to achieve the stated minimum graduating GPA of 3.25 to receive the “With Honors in Health Studies” distinction.
  • Students who complete all requirements, but fail to earn the minimum GPA of 3.25, will not receive the “With Honors in Health Studies” distinction.

✅ Completion a minimum of 15 hours of honors coursework within our college
✅ Successful completion a Capstone Project or Senior Honors Thesis, with written approval of your Honors Mentor

  • The capstone project requires that students register for HMSE 4999 (Senior Project) or HMSE 4888 (Honors Thesis).
  • Students are to identify and work with a faculty member Honors Mentor on one of the two options (A or B) below.
    • With either option, the culminating work [review article or data-driven article], should be approved by the faculty Honors Mentor as acceptable and submitted for publication.
    • This can be done through any scientific/scholarly outlet, as approved by your Honors Mentor.
    • The undergraduate research journal, QuaesitUM, is an alternative journal option.

Capstone Project/Honors Thesis

Option A
Scientific/Applied review article on topic of your choosing, in consultation with a college faculty member Honors Mentor (typically the instructor of record for the HMSE 4999 section for which you are registered).

  • Article should be comparable to a peer-reviewed manuscript in terms of scope and length (at Mentor’s discretion); Mentor must be willing to provide guidance and supervise your efforts.
  • Must be documented in written form (name of faculty mentor, signature, project title and scope)

Option B
Research project completed in conjunction with a college faculty member Honors Mentor (typically the instructor of record for the HMSE 4999 section for which the student is registered).

  • Should culminate in a peer-reviewed scientific/applied article ready for submission
  • Must be documented in written form (name of Honors Mentor, signature, project title and scope)


Honors Mentors

ESMS Health Sciences Dietetics Healthcare Leadership PETE
Max Paquette Barbara McClanahan Brandt Pence Shirley Brown Todd Layne
Melissa Puppa Shelly Stockton Mary Catherine Schallert Shemeka Hamlin-Palmer  
Shelby Peel Jebose Okwumabua Marie van der Merwe Gregory Hughes  

Angela Johnson

For more information:
Angie Johnson, Honors Program Coordinator

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