Nutrition Science (MS)

Nutrition Science

Nutrition Science provides you with an excellent opportunity to pursue your interests in understanding the roles of nutrition in health and disease, development and aging, and in athletic performance. The objective of the Nutrition Science program is to ensure that you obtain an advanced and comprehensive education in the science of nutrition, along with research training that includes experimental design and analysis, laboratory skills, and experiences in scientific writing and presentations.

Interdisciplinary opportunities exist with faculty in biological sciences, chemistry and biochemistry, exercise, sport and movement sciences, and psychology, as well as with faculty at other institutions within the Memphis area. You will have opportunities to study the influences of nutrition at levels of organization ranging from genes to intact organisms.

The master’s degree in Nutrition Science is a 33-credit-hour program that offers a diversity of courses for you to develop a curriculum that is matched to your specific interests. Nutrition students may choose to do a research project culminating in a formal thesis or applied project. Students in the research arm of the program will need to identify a research advisor who will assist in forming a graduate committee to provide guidance in identifying courses and assisting in the design, performance, analysis and interpretation of your research.

A second track is available where students will do either a laboratory residency or additional classes. If students decide to pursue the lab residency track or classes-only track, a written comprehensive exam is required for graduation.  Upon completing the degree program, you will be well prepared for advanced graduate study (PhD or MD), as well as for employment opportunities in academia, private industry or government. The multidisciplinary training available will position you to be a leader in the field of nutrition.

Nutrition is a broad field that spans multiple disciplines. Students entering the Nutrition Science program may have had previous training in various fields, bringing a diversity of backgrounds, expertise and experiences. We are specifically looking for students who want to be innovative, have a desire to learn and want to explore new areas of study.

You must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree with some coursework in fields of study relevant to biological, chemical or nutritional sciences. Applicants will be selected for admission to the program based on a combination of grade point average, graduate record examination (GRE) scores within the past five years (optional), a narrative statement that includes career goals and letters of reference. Students will be accepted into the program on a rolling admission basis. To be considered for a graduate assistantship, it is recommended to submit your application by April 1.

Major: Nutrition
Concentration: Nutrition Science
Degree: Master of Science (MS)
Degree Sheet (subject to change)


Nutrition Science Lab

Student Testimonials

"I am very grateful for the unparalleled opportunities, experience and time I spent at the College of Health Sciences at the University of Memphis. I have been very fortunate to interact with extraordinary faculty members, and train under their supervision, in both M.S. programs in Clinical Nutrition and Nutrition Science. Through their mentorship and guidance, I learned to think critically, to carry out the research, expand my knowledge in nutrition, and refine my laboratory skills in histology and immunology. In addition to the enjoyment of research and working in the lab, the College of Health Sciences motivated me to reach for my goals, be confident, and take responsibility for what I love to do. I can say without a doubt that the College of Health Sciences was founded for those who are looking to succeed in science." - Raed Ageeli MS

"The College of Health Sciences at the University of Memphis has both challenged and strengthened me more than I thought possible. This is largely due to the phenomenal faculty in the M.S. in Nutrition Science program who have a passion for education and research that is unparalleled. In addition to greatly expanding my knowledge in nutrition, I worked on many research projects which exposed me to immunology, phlebotomy and a variety of lab techniques such as western blotting and histology. Learning how to work in a biochemistry laboratory was very rewarding and truly refined my critical thinking and problem solving skills. I can confidently say that the College of Health Sciences prepared me for my career in nutrition and research." - Jacqueline Marie Wyman, MS

"Thanks to my time and work at the College of Health Sciences, I have been able to grow and pursue dreams that were not previously possible. Through one-on-one mentorships with exceptional professors and interdisciplinary collaboration, I was prepared for further graduate study and research pursuits. Furthermore, my diverse experiences working as a graduate research assistant have provided me the tools to succeed in the competitive science field. I highly recommend the College of Health Sciences to anyone who is motivated and ready for a challenge." - Jessica L. Hill, MS, RN

Marie van der Merwe

For more information:
Dr. Marie van der Merwe, Program Coordinator

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