Environmental Nutrition (MS)

Environmental Nutrition

The master's degree in Environmental Nutrition is a fully online, 33-credit-hour program that explores sustainable food and nutrition issues. The program examines the relationships between food, nutrition and the environment.

Relevant research and theoretical foundations towards best practices guides the curriculum. Issues related to food sustainability, traditional food practices, food justice and complementary approaches to nutrition are examined. You will complete an applied project and internship grounded in the practical application of sustainable nutrition practices.

As a generalist program, environmental nutrition students have a variety of undergraduate degrees including dietetics, nursing, health promotion, medicine, education, exercise science, food science, biology, anthropology, community health, psychology and others.

The program provides an advanced degree option for members of the workforce with food and nutrition responsibilities employed by schools, industry, health care, government and non-profit organizations.

We invite applications from students who wish to emphasize applied work in sustainable food and nutrition practices. You must have a minimum of a bachelor's degree with some background in the biological sciences and nutrition. Applicants will be selected for admission to the program on the basis of grade point average, narrative statement and personal goals and letters of reference. Graduate record examination (GRE) within the past five years may be submitted to support the application, but is not required.

Registered dietitians/nutritionists (RD/RDN) may receive six credit hours of Experiential Learning Credit (ELC).

Major: Nutrition
: Environmental Nutrition (online)
Degree: Master of Science (MS)
UofM Global program: Fully online
Degree Sheet (subject to change)

Environmental Nutrition - organic farm

Post-grad + Careers

Some of our graduates and current students include an organic farmer, wellness educator, agriculture extension service agent, athlete, nurse, rancher, non-profit employee, registered dietitian nutritionists and registered dietetic technician.

Upon graduating with a master’s degree in environmental nutrition, you are well prepared for advancement in the workplace within:

  • non-profit organizations with food and nutrition missions.
  • corporate positions with food and nutrition programs.
  • local, state and national government food and nutrition programs.
  • international food and nutrition programs/agencies.
  • school food and nutrition services.
  • healthcare facilities.
  • wellness/health promotion programs



Student Testimonials

"I knew I wanted to continue my education after receiving my undergraduate degree at Appalachian State University in dietetics and am so glad I found the Environmental Nutrition program at UofM! As someone who is passionate about sustainability and health, it was a perfect fit. The asynchronous classes also allowed me to work full-time as a nutrition educator while studying. In my second year, I was matched to the Garden to Table Nutrition distance dietetic internship with a focus in sustainability and local food production— I'm confident that my studies in Environmental Nutrition paved the way. I highly recommend this graduate program for anyone who wants to explore connections between health, environment and justice!" -Samara Tena

"When I began the environmental nutrition program at the University of Memphis, I lived in Washington state, where I owned and sustainably operated an organic farm and vineyard. Earning my master's degree was possible because this program is offered online! I was able to work, doing what I am passionate about, and learn at the same time. This program has covered many important issues facing our society and the health of our planet today. There should be some form of Environmental Nutrition curriculum in every classroom across the country."  -Sarah Addams

"I really love the environmental nutrition program at UofM! I'm very passionate about nutrition, sustainability and the environment, so for me, this degree is all-encompassing. I spent my undergrad at Ithaca College where I received a bachelor's in biology and a minor in nutrition; being able to continue my studies in a field I'm very enthusiastic about, especially via their online campus, is what immediately attracted me to this program. I was the first candidate to be awarded the Jane Nuckolls Endowed Scholarship in Environmental Nutrition, which I'm greatly thankful for. I've recently started my own food and cooking education business teaching people the importance of sustainable, healthy practices." -Kristyn Polucha

"I cannot tell you how wonderful this degree has been to achieve. I have loved every bit of it. It has made me dig deeper into what I 'think' I believe about sustainable food systems and study the issues to solidify my work and my recommendations in this field. I am excited to see what the next chapter of my career will bring and I feel confident that this degree will solidify my work in food justice and sustainable food systems." -Nikkole Turner

"After completing the master's program in environmental nutrition, I was accepted into the dietetic internship program at Iowa State University. Because of my relevant graduate work, I received four weeks of prior-assessed learning credits and was recruited to serve on a pilot project on Sustainable, Resilient, and Healthy Food and Water Systems at Iowa State." -Lauren Hulen Boggs

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