Welcome from the Dean

Richard Bloomer

Welcome to the College of Health Sciences! We currently employ nearly 60 full-time faculty and staff members, while servicing approximately 1700 declared majors.

We offer six undergraduate programs and nine graduate programs, including seven Master of Science programs and two Doctor of Philosophy programs with concentrations in Applied Biomechanics and Applied Physiology & Nutrition. We also offer three undergraduate minors and one graduate certificate. We launch our new Doctorate in Physical Therapy program in 2026 at UofM Lambuth in Jackson, Tenn. In addition to our traditional academic programs, we provide training for multiple healthcare programs through our Healthcare Career Academy.

Beyond our academic offerings, our research programs are extensive. We’ve hired several excellent scientists and have expanded our labs. We have developed a strong research focus in health science-specific inquiry, at both the cellular and applied levels. Our personnel are leaders in their respective disciplines, publishing their research findings in top-tier peer-reviewed journals, and receiving national and international recognition for their work.

We constantly seek to improve the service that we provide to students, and I welcome all feedback to assist us in this goal. If I can personally be of service to you, please feel free to contact me directly.

We thank you for your continued support.


Richard J. Bloomer, PhD
Dean, College of Health Sciences

See Dr. Bloomer's Curriculum Vitae (CV) for his education, experience, publications, honors/awards and more.

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