Yufeng Zhang, PhD
Associate Professor
About Yufeng Zhang
Yufeng Zhang, PhD received his doctorate in biology from the University of South Dakota in 2015 and was a postdoctoral fellow at Auburn University 2015-17. He was then a Glenn Foundation Fellow at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging before joining the University of Memphis in Fall 2018. Trained as an evolutionary physiologist, he is fascinated by variations and adaptations in animal bioenergetics. Currently, his research focuses on organismal and mitochondrial bioenergetics in both evolutionary and biomedical fields. For evolutionary studies, Dr. Zhang is enthusiastic about bioenergetic adaptations between different life history strategies. Whereas for biomedical studies, he is especially interested in mitochondrial bioenergetics, reactive oxygen species production, and oxidative stress in aging and age-related diseases.
PhD Biology - University of South Dakota - 2015
BS Biology - University of Electronic Science and Technology of China - 2009