Campus Plans & Guidelines

The University of Memphis will continue to follow the latest national (CDC), state and local guidelines and directives as it relates to COVID-19, as it does with other illnesses. Links to current guidelines on COVID are provided below for convenience:  

CDC guidance
Shelby County
State of Tennessee  

The University continues to monitor public health conditions locally and nationally, to assess the potential impacts of COVID-19 on our campus. Like the flu and other common viruses and illnesses, COVID-19 is now one illness among many that University employees and students manage on a regular basis. We will continue to monitor and inform our community on the guidance and resources available, while moving fully into normal University operations. 

The UofM will no longer require self-reports or offer contact tracing for positive test cases. Additionally, testing data will no longer be published on the COVID-19 dashboard. Individuals who test positive should follow current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for quarantine/isolation and follow the treatment advice of their primary care physician. Quarantine housing will no longer be offered to students who are living on campus and have been exposed to COVID-19. Students, faculty and staff should handle COVID-19 related absences the same way they handle any other health-related absence. Students who test positive or need to quarantine should contact their instructors to discuss missed classes, assignments, tests, etc.  

We encourage faculty, staff and students to exercise personal and professional judgment with any COVID-19 related illness as with any other health issues. Basic guidance on absences from work and classes is provided below.  


Students who must miss class due to illness must contact their instructors to plan to keep up with coursework while unable to attend. Absence from classes does not relieve students from responsibility for any part of the course missed during the period of absence.  

Students may contact the Office of the Dean of Students at deanofstudents@memphis.edu or 901.678.2187. 


As with other sickness and illnesses, an employee should use his/her sick and annual leave for unexpected, related absences and notify his/her supervisor accordingly.   

Employees may contact Human Resources at  hrbusinesspartners@memphis.edu or 901.678.3573.

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