Building Better: Emily is on track to a high-quality career with GROWWTH

Photo of Emily Burton

Emily connected with GROWWTH after learning about us through her work at the American Job Center. Her drive for a high-quality career pushed her to take advantage of GROWWTH’s opportunities for accelerated workforce readiness programs.

“I participated in the GROWWTH Academy where I learned a wide variety of skills and tips on how to build a successful career,” Emily said. “I was able to use the certification from the GROWWTH Academy on my resume.”

With that certification, Emily pursued a position with the state of Tennessee.

“One month after completing the program I was offered the job and accomplished the goal I had set for myself,” Emily explained. “I still use the very same tips I learned in the Academy with my career and everyday life.”

GROWWTH Case Managers Joy Cooper and Marcia Fields worked with Emily to set the goals and hopes she wanted for her career on the path to economic stability.

“Enrolling in GROWWTH changed my life for the better and I can’t thank the GROWWTH staff enough for helping me through every step of the process,” Emily added.

West Tennessee parents have options for better opportunities on the journey to economic stability.

Visit our website to see if you qualify: https://www.memphis.edu/growwth/contact/index.php



Meet Temica: Our guidance led her to a new job

GROWWTH Participant Temica

Our friend, Temica, knows the struggle of getting a high-quality job to support her family. As a mother of six, her focus remains caring for her family the best way she can.  

Once faced with discrimination at her previous job, she sought resolution which didn’t last long. Temica was already familiar with the GROWWTH program from engaging pharmacy customers who also struggled with financial stability. 

“I was just getting frustrated,” Temica explained. “It was taking a toll on me and I felt like it was best to quit. I had already started the GROWWTH enrollment process at that time.” 

As a GROWWTH participant, our accelerated workforce readiness program and resources funded the necessary training needed for Temica’s certification as a Pharmacy Technician and Phlebotomist. 

The opportunities to break financial barriers in her life led her to a new job this month. 

“I’m starting as a pharmacy technician in April,” Temica said. “GROWWTH gives me a lot of confidence.” 

Also, after attending the GROWWTH Microbusiness Bootcamp, Temica is ready to launch her own business. 

“It’s going to be K&S Mobile Services,” Temica said. “Even though I’m a phlebotomist, I’m not looking to incorporate that right now, but I am a skilled drug screener. I will be a mobile drug screener and a mobile notary public.” 

GROWWTH guides our participants to ensure success continues in the lives of west Tennessee parents like Temica. 

“I received notifications about jobs listings, continuing education, assistance for housing and utilities. It all helps,” Temica added. “You don’t know all resources out there and with GROWWTH it’s like a family that has a group chat and keeps you informed.” 

To find out if you're an eligible West Tennessee parent, visit: www.memphis.edu/growwth/eligibility/index.php