Graduate School Forms

For a brief description of our forms and when they should be submitted to the Graduate School, please click here.

REMINDER: Most of the Graduate School Forms will ask for a University Banner ID number (U-Number). When you log into SSB Banner on the myMemphis "Student Tab", the U-number is in the top right-hand corner.


Accelerated Bachelors/Masters - This form is to be used by UofM undergraduate students accepted into an ABM program who are enrolling in graduate level courses.
Residency Classification Application Instructions
Residency Classification Application Form


Waiver and/or Substitution Form


Instructions on how to Apply to Graduate - Application can be found on the MyMemphis portal
Course Substitution - For all levels of candidacy forms
Doctoral Degree, Master's Degree, and Ed.S. Degree Candidacy Form
Instructions for Completing Doctoral Degree Candidacy Form
Instructions for Completing Master's Degree Candidacy Form
Transfer Credit Evaluation - For Doctoral Degree Programs Only
Transfer Credit Evaluation - For Master's Degree Programs Only
Validation of Expired Graduate Coursework Form


Comprehensive Examination Results
Animal Care Facility Forms 
Human Subjects Research Form
ProQuest Dissertation Publishing Agreement Form - This form should be submitted in the ProQuest system.
Survey of Earned Doctorates - This form should NOT be completed until AFTER dissertation has been submitted and approved in the ProQuest system.
Thesis/Dissertation Checklist
Final Committee Approval Form for ETD Submission  
Thesis/Dissertation Proposal Defense Form 
Thesis/Dissertation Final Defense Results Form  
Thesis/Dissertation Faculty Committee Appointment Form 
Sample - Table of Contents
Sample - Title Page


Grade Appeal Form
Grade Forgiveness Change of Major
Graduate School Competitive Awards, Nomination Form 
Graduate School Competitive Awards, Self-Application Form
Graduate Student Retention Appeal Form 
Graduate Student Travel Funding Application 
Incomplete Grade - Extension 
Termination Procedures Form
UT Reciprocal Agreement Form

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