Rebecca Crenshaw: From Undergrad in Biology & Psychology to PhD in Neuroscience

Rebecca CrenshawRebecca Crenshaw, a Memphis native, recently graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Biology and Psychology from the University of Memphis in May 2024. Her academic journey is far from over, as she continues to advance her education at the University of Memphis Graduate School.

Current Role and Future Ambitions

Rebecca is a Research Assistant in Dr. Derender Lester's Neurochemistry Lab within the Psychology Department. This fall, she will begin her journey as an incoming PhD candidate in Experimental Psychology, first earning her Master's in General Psychology. The program appealed to her due to its strong emphasis on interdisciplinary research, the opportunity to work with esteemed faculty like Dr. Lester, and the program's focus on both advanced technical training and professional development. Additionally, the program’s commitment to supporting nontraditional and underrepresented students aligns with her own values and goals.

Undergraduate Experience at UofM

Rebecca’s undergraduate experience at UofM laid a strong foundation for her graduate studies. She participated in the NeuroSTART Program, completed a rigorous undergraduate thesis, and received mentorship from Dr. Lester and Dr. Helen Sable. These experiences equipped her with advanced research techniques, perseverance, and effective time management skills, all of which are crucial for success in graduate school.

Motivation to Continue EducationRebecca Crenshaw

Rebecca’s love for neuroscience research, combined with the support and mentorship from UofM faculty like Dr. Lester, motivated her to continue her education. The university’s commitment to supporting nontraditional students and providing opportunities for advanced, interdisciplinary research played a significant role in her decision to pursue a master’s degree at UofM.

Influential Mentors

Dr. Lester significantly influenced Rebecca’s academic journey by inviting her to join the Neurochemistry Lab and mentoring her through various research projects. This guidance, along with support from Dr. Sable, helped Rebecca develop technical skills, gain confidence, and navigate academic challenges, solidifying her passion for neuroscience and research.

Excitement for Skills and Knowledge Development

Rebecca is particularly excited to develop advanced research techniques, enhance her data analysis and computational skills, deepen her understanding of molecular and cellular neuroscience, and improve her grant writing and scientific communication abilities. Additionally, she looks forward to mentoring students and collaborating across disciplines.

Graduate School Opportunities, Academic and Professional Goals

Rebecca CrenshawAs a graduate student at UofM, Rebecca anticipates engaging in advanced research projects, continuing her mentorship under Dr. Lester, teaching and mentoring undergraduates, participating in professional development programs, and contributing to community outreach and STEM education initiatives.

Rebecca’s academic goals include earning her doctorate, producing high-quality research, and developing advanced technical and communication skills. Professionally, she aims to mentor students, secure research funding, and build a professional network. Her career aspirations are to become a research scientist, with a strong commitment to community outreach and advocacy for STEM education.

Rebecca Crenshaw’s journey reflects her dedication to neuroscience, research, and the supportive academic community at the University of Memphis. We are thrilled that she is continuing her education at the University of Memphis and that she is also joining the University of Memphis Graduate School Community!