Dissertation Defense Announcement

Herff College of Engineering announces the Final Dissertation Defense of

Ali Farhadi

for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

November 11, 2019 at 12:00 PM in EA202 C

Advisor: Shahram Pezeshk

Modified electrospun chitosan guided bone regeneration membranes for stimulating osteogenesis and angiogenesis

ABSTRACT: In this study, we take advantage of up-to-date studies and recently compiled datasets to solve some important problems faced in seismic hazard modeling in the Central and Eastern North America (CENA) as well as Iran through four research projects. In these projects, we provide useful information to improve treatment of epistemic uncertainty in seismic hazard modeling for CENA and Iran. Seismic hazard modelers in both CENA and Iran may use this study when performing earthquake hazard evaluations. In the first project, we assess the applicability of ground-motion models (GMMs) to propose a set of candidate models that can be confidently used for induced seismicity applications within the CENA. This project is the first or one of the earliest studies of this kind that focused on GMMs for induced earthquakes. In the second project, we use the same mythology to come up with a shortlist of suitable GMMs for the probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) in Iran. The need for assessing models' relative performances prior to carrying out seismic hazard studies is crucial for the tectonic region of Iran due to the shortage of experienced domestic experts. In the last two projects, because of the need of the earthquake engineering community in CENA to predict ground-motion intensity measures (GMIMs) other than horizontal ground-motion component, we develop a set of new GMMs based on the NGA-East database. We develop these models using the referenced empirical approach. In the third chapter of the present study, we establish a referenced empirical ground-motion model for estimating Arias Intensity (AI) and cumulative absolute velocity (CAV) for CENA using Campbell and Bozorgnia (2019) as the reference model developed for the Westen United States (WUS). In the fourth chapter, we develop three referenced empirical models considering the Bozorgnia and Campbell (2016), Gülerce et al. (2017), and Stewart et al. (2016) models. The effect of the vertical ground-motion component is significant for the design of ordinary highway bridges and vital structures such as nuclear power plants and dams.

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