Thesis Defense Announcement

 College of Arts and Sciences announces the Final Thesis Defense of

Muktadir Chowdhury

for the Degree of Master of Science
November 01, 2019 at 09:00 AM in Dunn Hall Room 375 B

Advisor: Lan Wang

Smart forwarding in Named-Data Networking VANET (Vehicular Ad-hoc Network)

ABSTRACT: Intelligent Transport System (ITS) applications rely on efficient forwarding or routing of the packet. However, routing or forwarding packet in Connected Vehicles is a challenging task and data retrieval rate can be very low due to highly dynamic topology and intermittent connectivity. Most of the routing solutions in the literature are location-based accompanied with limited flooding when location information is not available. For efficient communication and data retrieval in the vehicular network, we propose a hybrid forwarding solution, called CCLF. CCLF takes into account content-based connectivity information, i.e., Interest satisfaction ratio for each name prefix, in its forwarding decisions. To overcome the shortcomings of IP in mobile environment, CCLF is based on a data-centric network called Named Data Network (NDN). By keeping track of content connectivity and giving higher priority to vehicles with better content connectivity to forward Interests, CCLF not only reduces Interest flooding when location information is unknown or inaccurate, but also increases data fetching rate.

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