Frequently Asked Questions

When does the program start accepting applications?

Online applications typically open each year in late March or early April.

When will confirmation emails be sent out?

Confirmation emails stating whether you have been accepted or wait listed are generally sent out by the end of April.

What time does GEE start, and where should my child be picked up?

GEE lasts from 8 AM to noon daily for high school and middle school sessions, and from 1 pm to 5 pm daily for elementary students. We ask that you help ensure the students' safety at all times by designating a spot to meet them for pickup or by picking them up at the classroom upon dismissal.

Where do I go for my GEE sessions?

GEE sessions will be held in the Engineering Science building, which is located at the corner of Central Avenue and Zach Curlin. More details and a campus map will be sent to students accepted to the program.

Is a snack provided?

Yes, a snack will be provided daily. However, we DO NOT allow outside snacks due to severe food allergies. Our classroom is a nut-free environment.

If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Ivey at stephanie.ivey@memphis.edu or Lavitta Means at lmeans@memphis.edu.  

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