Financial Wellness

The University of Memphis is pleased to provide access to two courses offered through EverFi.  These courses are designed to enhance students financial knowledge and highlight financial behaviors.

Traditional Students

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

If you are like most students, you hope to be settled into a career that is both personally and financially satisfying. Do you plan on owning a house? Or a car? Do you plan on taking your dream vacation? What about starting a college fund for your kids?

Many of the decisions that you make now impact the answers to those questions.

Graduating from college is an incredible accomplishment. Getting there and enjoying your post-graduate life becomes increasingly difficult if you are saddled with debt. Just as with your physical health, taking measures to ensure financial health is vital. No matter your current financial situation, making informed decisions about borrowing, budgeting, and saving now will help you long-term.

Whether you need more information about student loans, creating a budget, using a credit card, or opening a savings account, we have tools to help you.

You can access an online course that will help you develop the skills to manage your finances and plan for your future.

Transit – Financial Wellness: A 1-2 hour course for undergraduate students

Empowers students with the skills to successfully manage their finances while in school and beyond, and minimize dropout and student loan defaults through education. Transit equips learners with the knowledge and skills necessary for making responsible financial decisions.

To register click on the link above and use registration code: 44000f42

Transit modules are designed to help students make more informed decisions on school expenses, personal expenses, and career/ post-graduation. Modules include:

  • Back to School 2.0
  • Best Weekend Ever
  • Balancing Act
  • Pay Back
  • Salary Split
  • Best Life Ever

Non-traditional Students

Getting a degree is a great investment for your future and your family. Finishing school is probably one of many goals that you have set for yourself. Reaching those goals becomes more difficult for anyone feeling immense financial pressure. Figuring out how to pay for school when you have other obligations and responsibilities can be financially and emotionally stressful.

Becoming more financially literate can help ease many of those stresses if you have a better understanding of your current financial situation and how to best tackle it. Improving your financial health or maintaining good financial health is critical to your short and long term success and stability.

No matter your current financial situation, making more informed decisions about borrowing, budgeting, and saving will help you as you continue to build towards your future.

If you are looking to learn the basics or are in need of a refresher, whether you are trying to manage debt or saving for a healthier financial future, we have tools to help you.

You can access an online course to gain the skills and knowledge to successfully manage your finances while in school and beyond.

EverFi@Work: A 1-2 hour course for adults

Many adults feel stress about their finances—owning a home, saving too little, managing debt, funding education, or investing for their future. EverFi@Work helps alleviates this anxiety through a series of short ten-minute learning modules.

@Work modules include:

  • Savings & Investments
  • Mortgages
  • Payments & Credit Cards
  • Overdraft Protection
  • Credit Scores & Reports
  • Insurance & Taxes
  • Identity Protection
  • Financing Higher Education
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