Cook Analytics & Trading Lab
Our Cook Analytics & Trading Lab is a host of leading-edge technology and serves as a data center providing pragmatic, hands-on learning in an academic environment, through simulations with data and observations on how decisions could impact the market. Mimicking Wall Street trading firm equipped with glass walls, New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) tickers and 12 Bloomberg terminals.
Bloomberg Student Opportunities
The Department of Finance, Insurance & Real Estate at the College of Business at University
of Memphis provides many training and certification opportunities to its students
in the Bloomberg lab (FCB 123). Students can take advantage of the lab hours of availability
to improve their skill sets by:
Information Session
- Basic Bloomberg Functionality
Core Training
- Getting Started
- Bloomberg News
- Market Monitors and Launchpad
- API (Bloomberg data in Excel)
Bloomberg Market Concepts
Bloomberg Market Concepts , BMC <GO>, is an 8-hour self-paced e-learning course that provides a visual introduction to the financial markets. BMC consists of 4 modules – Economics, Currencies, Fixed Income and Equities – woven together from Bloomberg data, news, analytics and television.
Advanced Finance Courses (full semester classes)
- FIR 4331 and FIR 6331 Stock Portfolio Management
- FIR 7840 Quantitative Finance App
Lab Data Access
- Oxford Analytica
- Bank Regulatory
- Blockholders
- CBOE Indexes
- DMEF Academic Data
- Dow Jones
- Fama French & Liquidity Factors
- Federal Reserve Bank
- Markit
- Penn World Tables
- SEC Order Execution
- WRDS SEC Analytics Suite
- WRDS SEC Analytics Suite Trial