Professional Real Estate Graduate Certificate

Program Description

The Professional Real Estate Graduate Certificate prepares students and working professionals training for careers in real estate and related industries without the need of obtaining a graduate degree in Real Estate. This program prepares students for careers in mortgage banking, real estate development, real estate investment, real estate valuation and assessment, government, as well as real estate sales and property management.


Program Requirements


This program requires completion of 18 semester hours, as follows:

Six hours (2 courses):

  • FIR 7301 - Contemporary Real Estate Theory and Practice (3)
  • FIR 7155 - Global Financial Management (3)

Twelve additional hours (4 courses) from the following group:

  • FIR 6310 - Real Estate Law (3)
  • FIR 6320 - Real Estate Finance (3)
  • FIR 6330 - Principles of Property Management (3)
  • FIR 6340 - Real Estate Appraisal (3)
  • FIR 6350 - Real Estate Investment (3)


Course Descriptions & Requirements

The requirements and course descriptions are all listed on the UofM's Online Catalog.

It is very important that you review our instructional page on how to utilize the online catalog before visiting the catalog's website.


Admission Requirements


  1. Same as College and University requirements

  2. The certificate can be pursued concurrently with other graduate programs at the University.

  3. Students who have completed an undergraduate degree program but who have neither completed a graduate degree nor been admitted to a graduate program can apply to the Graduate School for admission as Non-Degree Seeking students.

  4. GMAT and GRE scores are not required. However, acceptance into the certificate program is not an implied acceptance into any master’s degree program.


Graduation Requirements


  1. To obtain the certificate, a student must complete six courses, with two from the first group of courses and four (4) courses selected from the second group of courses, for a total of 18 credit hours.

  2. A minimum grade of B is required for each of the six (6) courses.

  3. In the semester of graduation, the student must submit an Apply to Graduate form to the Graduate School and a Graduate Certificate Candidacy form to the College Director of Graduate Studies by the deadline specified by the Graduate School.


Next Step

Visit our "Apply Now" page or contact Dr. Sunderman.

Apply Now >

Program Advisor

Mark Sunderman

Mark Sunderman
Professor | Morris Fogelman Real Estate Chair of Excellence
Phone: 901.678.5142  |  Office: FCBE 436

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