Financial Planning Professional Track

Program Description

The Department of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate offers an undergraduate track in financial planning that meets the specific criteria for students who wish to fulfill the education component for obtaining CFP® certification. This Financial Planning Educational Program/Track is registered with the Certified Financial Planning Board of Standards Inc. to verify that the student has completed coursework covering all 72 topics tested on the CFP® Certification Exam.

We offer the only on-site CFP Board (Washington, DC) recognized program in Memphis and surrounding areas. Taught by experienced and well renowned faculty, the students who successfully complete this program are deemed to have met the Education requirement set forth by the Financial Planning Board and are eligible to sit for the CFP® Certification Examination. This Financial Planning Educational Program/Track will help students to develop the needed skills to pursue career opportunities in the financial services industry.


Financial Planning Certificate Cover
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Program Requirements

These 6 courses cover the 72 CFP exam topics and makes them eligible to sit for the exam, count towards their FIR degree and provide a departmental certificate indicating completion of the track.

  • ACCT 4521 - Individual Tax Compliance/Plan  (Formerly ACCT 3510 - Federal Income Tax I)
  • FIR 3410 - Financial Management
  • FIR 3710 - Investments
  • FIR 4011 - Retirement and Estate Planning
  • FIR 4620 - Cases in Financial Planning 
  • FIR 4870 - Risk Management

Upon completion of the 6 courses (with a grade of C or better), students should contact their UG academic advisor or program advisor listed below for verification, program completion documentation and CFP board reporting.



Course Descriptions & Requirements

The requirements and course descriptions are all listed on the UofM's Online Catalog.

It is very important that you review our instructional page on how to utilize the online catalog before visiting the catalog's website. 


Additional CFP Certificate Information:

The Department of Finance, Insurance & Real Estate has CFP board recognition of the University of Memphis, Finance degree. 

Non-finance majors may register as non-degree students and take the courses listed on the link above. 

For Information regarding the Fee structure and costs for the University of Memphis, Fogelman College of Business & Economics, Department of Finance, Insurance &  Real Estate courses see the Bursar office.


Next Step

Visit our "Apply Now" page or contact Dr. Black.

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Program Advisor

Dr. Jeff Black

Assistant Professor
Phone: 901.678.3632
Office: FAB 434