Immersion in R for Data Science Schedule

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The R Immersion for Data Science is a 3-day intensive R training program designed to provide attendees with a comprehensive toolkit for applying R to business intelligence data solutions. R is a language widely used by statisticians and data miners for developing strategic data analysis programs. The workshop is meant to offer a hands-on introduction to R and a set of data analysis methods for business analysts and other professional with minimal or even no computer programming experience. More advanced analysts that possess computer programming experience will benefit from exposure to a number of machine learning methods for data analysis and prediction. The FedEx Institute is organizing this workshop to meet a critical need among corporations and nonprofits for a deep quantitative analysis tool kit designed to meet the rising big data challenges faced by all organizations.

Course Requirements:
Attendees are not required to have previous R programming experience. Familiarity with another programming language or platform (Python, C, MATLAB, etc) language is an asset but not necessary as the workshop is meant for professionals with minimal or no programming experience.

Important: Attendees must bring their own device with the required R environment (correct version) and associated packages pre-installed.

Course Rubric:

Pre-Workshop: Basic Programming Concepts in R (R Environment and R Studio, Basic R concepts, control structures)

08:30 – R and R Studio Introduction, R Basics
10:00 – Break
10:15 – Data collection and preparation
11:45 – Lunch
1:15 – Looping and Advanced Looping in R
2:45 – Break
3:00 – Debugging
4:30 – Break

08:30 – Data Visualization in R
10:00 – Break
10:15 – Data Visualization in R
11:45 – Lunch
1:15 – Web scraping
2:45 – Break
3:00 – Web scraping
4:30 – Lunch

DAY 3 (Half-Day)
08:30 – Review
10:00 – Break
10:15 – Assessment
10:45 – Break
11:15 – Final Discussions and Feedback
12:00 – Dismissal

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