academic advising icon Academic Advising

Our FCBE Undergraduate Student Services Office (USSO) is comprised of professional academic advisors who are available to assist students with course scheduling, degree requirements and academic policies. We provide resources and guidance with information about opportunities that can assists students with personal, academic and professional growth.

Prepare for Advising

Students should prepare for academic advising by 
reviewing their degree requirements and current academic progress through the UMdegree worksheets. It's helpful to list any questions or concerns you have about your courses, career goals, or academic challenges. 

Review the UMdegree Student Guide to learn how to utilize UMdegree Worksheets and other features, such as the GPA Calculator, that can prepare you for your next advising appointment. You can also visit the UMdegree website for additional information. 


Advising Formats

FCBE offers undergraduate students four (4) advising formats:

  1. In-Person
  2. Microsoft Teams
  3. Phone
  4. Self-Advising


Make an Advising Appointment

The University of Memphis uses the free mobile app, Navigate360, to help students organizes their goals, tasks, advising appointments and educational information in one place. If you enable notifications, Navigate will automatically alert you of important upcoming events or requirements. Navigate will make your college experience easier by displaying everything you need in one place. 

The app is available in both the Apple App Store and on Google Play. apple app store   google play logo

Schedule an Appointment >Appointment Making Instructions >


Find Your Advisor


Brittany Perez
College Academic Advisor I
All FCBE Majors (Last Names A - D)

Alexis Caprice Dewey
College Academic Advisor II
All FCBE Majors (Last Names E - J)

Betsy Jasper 
College Academic Advisor II
All FCBE Majors (Last Names K - O)

Philip Twumasi Ankrah

College Academic Advisor I
All FCBE Majors (Last Names P - V)

Trellis Morgan
Assistant Director, UGStudent Services
All FCBE Majors (Last Names W - Z)

Mark Alpuente
Graduation Analyst | College Academic Advisor II
All FCBE Majors - Graduating Seniors


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