Entering Freshmen Scholarships

The Fogelman College Scholarship department awards more incoming freshmen scholarships than any other college on campus each year. All scholarships are awarded for the academic year (fall and spring semesters only). Scholarships are awarded based on information submitted on the UofM admissions application. Therefore, all students must have officially declared their business major by the scholarship deadline of a future date to be determined. For priority consideration, freshmen students should apply to the University of Memphis by December 1st.

Duncan-Williams, Inc Scholarship (Fogelman College of Business & Economics)

  • Must be an undergraduate student
  • From the Memphis metropolitan area (as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau’s Memphis-Forrest City, TN-AR-MS Combined Statistical Area)
  • Student must be majoring in, or intend to major in, any program at the Fogelman College of Business & Economics
  • Must demonstrate a financial need

G. Douglas Edwards Family Endowed Scholarship

  • Must be a full time declared business major
  • Freshmen enrollees shall have a minimum ACT score of 27
  • Sophomores, juniors, and seniors must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0

Janice and Kent Ritchey Scholarship (Fogelman College of Business & Economics)

  • Must be an undergraduate student
  • From the Memphis metropolitan area (as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau’s Memphis-Forrest City, TN-AR-MS Combined Statistical Area)
  • Student must be majoring in, or intend to major in, any program at the Fogelman College of Business & Economics
  • Must demonstrate a financial need

The John C. Kelley Legacy Scholarship

  • Declared undergraduate business major
  • Must have a minimum ACT score of 23
  • Must have a 3.0, or higher, cumulative GPA
  • Must be a resident of the mid-south and a proven leader of their community
  • Must complete at least 15 hours of community service each semester

J Charles Cameron V Scholarship (Fogelman College of Business & Economics)

  • Must be an undergraduate student
  • From the Memphis metropolitan area (as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau’s Memphis-Forrest City, TN-AR-MS Combined Statistical Area)
  • Maintain a 3.0, or higher, cumulative GPA
  • Student must be majoring in, or intend to major in, any program at the Fogelman College of Business & Economics
  • Must demonstrate a financial need

The Kappa Beta Alumni Association Scholarship Fund (Fogelman College of Business & Economics)

  • Must be an undergraduate student
  • From the Memphis metropolitan area (as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau’s Memphis-Forrest City, TN-AR-MS Combined Statistical Area)
  • Student must be majoring in, or intend to major in, any program at the Fogelman College of Business & Economics
  • Must demonstrate a financial need

Larry D. Cox Scholarship

  • Must be a undergraduate student majoring in Business
  • Underrepresented student with permanent residence in Shelby County, TN
  • Must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and ACT score of 24 and enrolled in 12 credit hours
  • Graduate of a Shelby County, TN public high school
  • Demonstrate financial need as determined after review of the student's completed FAFSA  (Free Application For Federal Student Aid) form

The Legacy Scholarship in Honor of Dr. Willard Sparks

  • Entering freshman enrolled at UofM and pursuing a degree in either technology, agribusiness, or general business
  • A minimum of a 23 on the ACT
  • Must live in the Mid-South region and be proven leaders in their community
  • Must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • Must participate in 15 hours of community service each semester
  • A student may receive this scholarship for four years if criteria are met

Mathis Family Insurance Scholarship

  • Declared major in Finance with a concentration in Risk Management and Insurance
  • Must have a 3.0, or higher, cumulative GPA from High School or maintained in college
  • Preference to those employed part-time

Melanie & Mark Compton Endowed Scholarship (Fogelman College of Business & Economics)

  • Must be a F/T undergraduate student
  • From the Memphis metropolitan area (as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau’s Memphis-Forrest City, TN-AR-MS Combined Statistical Area)
  • Student must be majoring in any program at the Fogelman College of Business & Economics
  • Must demonstrate a financial need

Morgan Morton Family Scholarship

  • Current resident of the Town of Collierville, TN and is a graduate of one of its public high schools
  • Has attained a 3.0 or higher high school GPA
  • Has demonstrated interest in Business and is a full time declared business major
  • Has demonstrated leadership in his or her high school or is eligible for participation in the University of Memphis Emerging Leaders Programs
  • Preference to student who demonstrates financial need

The Pallme Family Scholarship (Fogelman College of Business & Economics)

  • Must be an undergraduate student
  • From the Memphis metropolitan area (as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau’s Memphis-Forrest City, TN-AR-MS Combined Statistical Area)
  • Student must be majoring in, or intend to major in, any program at the Fogelman College of Business & Economics
  • Must demonstrate a financial need
  • Preference given to a student who is a UofM Football equipment manager

Papasan Family Endowed Scholarship

  • Declared undergraduate or graduate business major
  • Shall demonstrate a financial need as well as outstanding academic promise
  • Freshman must have scored a 25 or higher on the ACT and upper class and graduate students shall have maintained a 3.0 GPA
  • Preference will be given to a student whose parent, guardian, or grandparent is, or has been, an employee of Memphis Light Gas & Water

The Peyton (Martin) Weddle Scholarship (Fogelman College of Business & Economics)

  • Must be an undergraduate student
  • Must be an incoming freshman, sophomore or junior
  • From the Memphis metropolitan area (as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau’s Memphis-Forrest City, TN-AR-MS Combined Statistical Area)
  • Maintain a 2.75, or higher, cumulative GPA
  • Student must be majoring in, or intend to major in, any program at the Fogelman College of Business & Economics
  • Must demonstrate a financial need
  • Applicants must complete an essay: “How have you positively impacted your community through service give-back, volunteering, or activism?” (used to decide between similarly qualified students)

Roy W. & Sue T. Black Scholarship

  • African-American or Hispanic students majoring in business
  • Must be a graduate of a high school in Chester, Crockett, Decatur, Dyer, Fayette, Hardeman, Hardin, Haywood, Lauderdale, or McNairy county
  • Preference will be given to freshman and Hardeman County High School graduate
  • Must maintain a 2.5, or higher, cumulative GPA
  • If all requirements are met recipient may retain this award until the undergraduate degree is obtained or for a maximum of 5 consecutive years, whichever comes first

Shelton & Brucene Harrison Scholarship

  • Incoming freshman must have been in the upper third of their high school class
  • Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors must attain and maintain overall GPA of 3.0
  • Declared marketing or management major
  • Preference given to students in need of financial assistance

S.L. Kopald Scholarship

  • Must be a graduate of a Memphis/Shelby County high school
  • Declared Marketing major
  • Must maintain a 3.0, or higher, cumulative GPA
  • Freshman must have a minimum ACT score of 26

SunTrust Scholarship Fund for Entering Freshman

  • Declared Undergraduate business major
  • Must be a full-time student
  • Must live in Shelby County or reside within 30 miles of Shelby County
  • Must have a 3.0 High School GPA or higher
  • Must have a minimum ACT score of 22
  • Must maintain a 3.0 cumulative collegiate GPA

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