FCBE Scholarships

The Fogelman College of Business & Economics offers over 150 different private scholarships to declared business majors totaling over $350,000. These scholarships are available to incoming freshmen, transfer, continuing, graduate, and doctoral students each year. All FCBE scholarships are awarded for the academic year (fall and spring semesters only).

Students are able to apply for two different types of scholarships, general business scholarships and departmental scholarships. We encourage students to apply for both types of scholarships as many high ability students are awarded scholarships from both categories. Please note that all scholarships within the Fogelman College of Business and Economics can be awarded in addition to any scholarship you may receive from the University.

Tiger Scholarship Manager
How To Apply  | UofM Scholarship Website

Tiger Scholarship Manager

Undergraduate Scholarships

  • The Fogelman College of Business & Economics awards scholarship each year. All scholarships are awarded for the academic year (fall and spring semesters only). Scholarships are awarded based on information submitted on the UofM admission application and the Tiger Scholarship Manager application.
  • For priority consideration, freshmen students should apply to the University of Memphis by December

Graduate Scholarships

Important Things to Remember

  • All Business Students interested in applying for these college-specific scholarships should visit our How To Apply page.
  • If you do not receive a scholarship the first time you apply, you are still encouraged to reapply the next year.
  • Awarding of any scholarship depends upon the availability of funds.
  • Assuming you meet the requirements you may apply for more than one scholarship.
  • If you do not meet the requirements or fail to complete all sections of the application, you will be eliminated from the selection process.
  • Students should display a solid academic performance in their graduate courses.
  • All students must have officially declared their business major by the scholarship deadline of a future date to be determined.

For more information regarding Fogelman College Scholarships, contact us.

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