PhD in Management

Program Overview


The PhD concentration in Management offers students the opportunity to become skilled researchers and scholars in the areas of Human Resource Management (HR), Organizational Behavior (OB), or Strategic Management (Strategy). The department's highly qualified faculty has achieved international recognition for excellence in scholarship as evidenced by publications in leading journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Management Science, Organization Science, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, and Organizational Research Methods.

The doctoral program in Management fosters and promotes professor-student interaction. The strong relationship between faculty and students creates a learning environment that is stimulating and supportive. Students come to the program with diverse academic backgrounds and work experience; however, they all share a desire to learn and to achieve. Management students gain mastery in specific areas of study and acquire specialized skills that will assist them in academic careers of research and teaching.

The department offers doctoral course work in Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, and Strategic Management. Study in Human Resources examines job design, recruitment, selection, training, career management, performance appraisal, compensation and benefits, and industrial relations, while Organizational Behavior involves the study of organizations and the behavior within them, theories of organization structure, change and development in organizations, motivation, leadership and group dynamics.

Strategic Management examines organizations as integrated systems composed of internal environments interacting with the external environment. Course work addresses a broad range of topics including strategy planning and research, corporate strategy, international business strategy, and industry and competitive analysis. Students consider strategy from a complex array of both content and process perspectives, using strategy models and techniques derived from management and other disciplines such as economics, marketing, and sociology.

Entry into the PhD program in Management involves a commitment to an extended period of academic study. Doctoral research and teaching assistantships are provided to outstanding candidates to support and facilitate their educational opportunities. For the student seeking a challenging and stimulating program in a supportive and caring environment, this program offers preparation for a career that will be professionally gratifying, personally fulfilling, and financially rewarding. PhD graduates in Management have accepted positions at quality schools around the nation including West Virginia, Oregon State, Louisiana State, Ole Miss, UNC-Charlotte, George Mason, UT-Arlington, and Illinois State.


  • Core Courses (12 credit hours)
    • SCMS 8530   Statistical Techniques in Business Research
    • SCMS 8540   Multivariate Analysis in Business Research 
    • MIS 8730  Theory Building
    • MGMT 8921  Seminar in Research Methods

  • *Concentration (30 credit hours)
    • Management Research Seminars
    • MGMT 8220  Seminar in Human Resource Management
    • MGMT 8421  Seminar in Org Behavior
    • MGMT 8422  Seminar in Org Theory
    • MGMT 8500  Seminar in Strategic Management

  • Dissertation Hours (18 credit hours)
    • Dissertation Semester 5
    • Dissertation Semester 6
    • Dissertation Semester 7 (6 hrs)
    • Dissertation Semester 8

  • Electives (18 credit hours)
    • Management Research Seminars  Recommended)
    • MGMT 8423 Organizational Behavior II
    • MGMT 8508 Research in Entrepreneurship
    • MGMT 8910 Problems in Management (6-9 credit hours)
    • + Additional 12 hours of electives required with statistics and methods classes highly recommended. 

Total = 72 hours needed to obtain a PhD in Management

*Students must complete 30 semester hours in one of the following areas: Accountancy, Economics, Finance, Management, Management Information Systems, or Marketing). Above is a non-exhaustive list of classes within MGMT. It is recommended that the block of "Management Research Seminars" is taken, either as part of the 30 hour concentration or additional electives to get to 72 completed semester hours of course work. 


Program Coordinator

Dr. James Vardaman Dr. James Vardaman
PhD Program Coordinator, Management

Next Step

Review the Admission Requirements for the PhD program and apply today!

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