Graduation speaker icon Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration

The PhD program in Business Administration offers a wide variety of opportunities for students interested in furthering their graduate education. The Doctor of Philosophy degree in Business Administration is a basic requirement for individuals interested in academic careers at many colleges and universities. In addition, advanced degrees in business-related fields are sought after in several industries (including management information systems, and information technology). Your interest in our program and its potential for improving your training and career preparation is welcomed.

This PhD program is designed to allow students to develop the research and teaching skills necessary to become effective academic scholars in business administration. Students with professional degrees in areas such as business, public administration, law, or engineering will find the program to be a sound preparation for academic advancement.

The University of Memphis has the academic resources to provide the doctoral candidate with a balanced education, including qualitative and quantitative skills required of the modern educational professional. Fogelman College has an experienced research and teaching faculty to head its doctoral program, including endowed research chairs in each academic department who provide leadership for a doctoral candidate's educational advancement.

Thank you for considering the Fogelman College of Business & Economics at the University of Memphis!


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