Students who desire a concentration must complete 10 MBA Core courses (30 hours), plus 4 courses (12 hours) as per the specifications of each concentration, for a total of 42 credit hours.
MBA Core (30 credit hours)
The MBA Core consists of the following 10 courses (3 credit hours each).
- ACCT 7080 - Financial and Managerial Accounting for Managers
- BA 7503 - Business Analytics for Managers*
- BA 7501 - Impactful Leadership
- ECON 7100 - Economics for the Global Executive
- FIR 7155 - Global Financial Management
- MKTG 7140 - Global Strategic Marketing
- MIS 7650 - Information Systems in the Global Enterprise
- SCMS 7313 - Supply Chain Operations Management
- SCMS 7110 - Data Driven Decision Making
- MGMT 7160 - Global Strategic Management**
* Pre-requisite: SCMS 7110
** MGMT 7160 is the MBA Program Capstone Course. It requires a permit for registration and must
be taken during the students last semester.
Concentrations (12 credit hours)
Each concentration requires taking 4 elective courses (3 credit hours each). Course offerings vary from semester to semester. For specific course descriptions, please visit the Graduate Catalog website.
This concentration prepares students to be able to make effective decisions regarding information assurance strategies. Students will become familiar with various methodologies for maintaining business continuity in case of an attack or disaster and will become knowledgeable about policy development, implementation techniques, employee awareness and training, assessment of effectiveness of security programs, as well as various other factors that result in long-term managerial effectiveness.
This concentration requires completing all three (3) courses below:
- MIS 7455 - Cyber Ethics in IT
- MIS 7670 - Information Security Management
- MIS 7615 - Enterprise Network & Security
+ one additional course from the list below:
- MIS 7160 - Mobile Application Development
- MIS7610 - Systems Analysis and Design
- ACCT 7420 - Acct Databases/Systems
This concentration satisfies a demand for business project management professionals in our region without requiring addition resources. It also creates untapped research opportunities and collaborations for our faculty with the project management community.
This concentration requires completing all the courses below:
- MIS 7605 - Bus Database Systems
- MIS 7610 - Systems Analysis & Design
- MIS 7671 - Project / Change Management
- MIS 6672 - Project Management Tools / Lead
Targeted towards a broad audience like Business Analysts and Managers who need to learn the language and fundamentals of mathematical modeling and data visualization techniques, this concentration will allow the student to successfully lead analytics teams and projects. Learn what AI (Artificial Intelligence) can and cannot do for you using business use cases. Use engagement metrics from popular social media sites for effectiveness measurement and evaluate data patterns detected from structured and unstructured data to determine a successful business strategy.
This concentration requires completing all the courses below.
- MIS 7700 - Fundamentals of Data Analytics
- MIS 7620 - Business Machine Learning I
- MIS 7710 - Web Analytics
- MIS 7720 - Business Artificial Intelligence
The business analytics discipline has become very important in information systems
and industry, due to increased access to big data, unstructured and structured data,
and strategic business decision making. These increasingly complex decision making
capabilities lead directly to competitive advantage and increased profits. Thus, trained
business analysts with skills in addressing data management and business intelligence
and analytics are in high demand.
This concentration requires completing all the courses below.
- MIS 7190 - Programming for Business
- MIS 7660 - Advanced Data Management
- MIS 7620 - Business Machine Learning I
- MIS 7621 - Business Machine Learning II
Students who desire to complete this concentration are required to have at least a
bachelor's degree in the field of Engineering and appropriate work experience background.
Upon approval from an Engineering advisor, students may take graduate level courses
(6000 and 7000) in the following areas:
Biomedical Engineering
This concentration requires completing all three (3) courses listed below:
- BIOM 7005 - Life Sciences Biom II
- BIOM 7110 - Biostatistics
- BIOM 7209 - Biom Msrmnt/Instrmnt
+ one (1) of the following courses:
- BIOM 7430 - Biomaterials
- BIOM 6720 - Bioelectricity
- BIOM 6750 - Biomechanics
- BIOM 7030 - Stem Cells: Culture/Appl
- BIOM 7470 - Tissue Engineering
Civil Engineering
This concentration requires completing four (4) courses from the list below:
- CIVL 6122 - Structural Analysis II
- CIVL 6131 - Inter Steel Design
- CIVL 6136 - Inter Rein Concr Design
- CIVL 6140 - Environmental Engr Design
- CIVL 6143 - Physical/Chem Treatment
- CIVL 6144 - Biol Wastewater Treat
- CIVL 6152 - Applied Soil Mechanics
- CIVL 6162 - Traffic Engineering
- CIVL 6180 - Adv Hydrology/Hydraulics
- CIVL 6190 - Water Resources Planning & Mgmt
- CIVL 7001 - Engineering Analysis
- CIVL 7012 - Prob Meth In Engr
- CIVL 7116 - Structural Dynamics
- CIVL 7117 - Finite Elem Struc Mech
- CIVL 7133 - Slopes and Embankments
- CIVL 7138 - Shallow and Deep Foundations
- CIVL 7139 - Earth Retaining Structures
- CIVL 7147 - Hazardous Waste Mgmt
- CIVL 7263 - Intro. to Num. Opt. for Eng
- CIVL 7269 - Quant Meth for Engr Dec Making
- CIVL 7360 - Transp Econ & Decision Making
Electrical & Computer Engineering
This concentration requires completing four (4) courses from the list below:
- EECE 6202 - Electrical Power Systems
- EECE 6204 - Power Distribution Sys
- EECE 6205 - Modern Grid with Renewables
- EECE 6206 - Electrical Power Quality
- EECE 6231 - Communication Theory
- EECE 6235 - Probabilistic Sys Anlys
- EECE 6272 - Engineering Software
- EECE 6273 - Database Engineering
- EECE 6251 - Control System Engr
- EECE 6275 - Network Programming
- EECE 6278 - Computer Organization
- EECE 6710 - Computer Architecture
- EECE 6711 - Fault Tolerant Comp Des
- EECE 6712 - Embedded Systems
- EECE 6720 - Intro Artificial Intelg
- EECE 6730 - Expert Systems
- EECE 6731 - Data Visualization
- EECE 7251 - Random Signals & Noise
- EECE 7720 - Artificial Intelligence
- EECE 7740 - Neural Networks
- EECE 7012 - Fndtns/Software Engr
- EECE 7214 - Image Processing
- EECE 7216 - Computer Vision
- EECE 7217 - Multimedia Info Process
Engineering Technology
This concentration requires completing four (4) courses from the list below:
- TECH 7015 - App Stat Meth Industry
- TECH 7402 - Adv Quality Control
- TECH 7404 - Wrld/Clas Manfct Concpt
- TECH 7414 - Manuf Strat/Syst Design
- TECH 7401 - Lean Fundamentals
- TECH 7105 - Project Plan & Scheduling
Mechanical Engineering
This concentration requires completing four (4) courses from the list below:
- MECH 7341 - Engineering Analysis I
- MECH 7342 - Engineering Analysis II
- MECH 6340 - Manufacturing Processes
- MECH 6360 - Selection of Engr Materials
- MECH 6324 - Computer Methods in Design
- MECH 6309 - Gas Dynamics
- MECH 6326 - Biomedical System Analysis/Mech
This concentration allows students to form their own ideal track by completing any four (4) courses from the list below. If you need advising to pick your courses for this concentration, please contact Dr. Allison Potter.
- FIR 6011 - Retirement & Estate Planning
- FIR 6310 - Real Estate Law
- FIR 6320 - Real Estate Finance
- FIR 6330 - Principles of Property Mgmt
- FIR 6331 - Stock Portfolio Mgmt
- FIR 6340 - Real Estate Appraisal
- FIR 6350 - Real Estate Investment
- FIR 6550 - International Finance
- FIR 6610 - Cases in Financial Planning & Analysis
- FIR 6620 - Cases in Financial Planning
- FIR 6710 - Commercial Banking
- FIR 6720 - Mgmt Financl Institutions
- FIR 6721 - Fixed Income & Derivatives
- FIR 6730 - Financial Analysis/Certification
- FIR 6770 - Security Analysis/Port Mgmt
- FIR 6810 - Prop & Lbility Insur
- FIR 6820 - Life & Health Insurance
- FIR 6870 - Risk Management
- FIR 7070 - Financial Conc/Business
- FIR 7160 - Executive Financial Mgmt
- FIR 7170 - Multinational Financial Mgmt
- FIR 7171 - Intl Financial Markets
- FIR 7173 - Financial Analys/Certification
- FIR 7301 - Contemp Rles Thry/Prac
- FIR 7302 - Rl Estate Dvlpmt & Sustainblty
- FIR 7310 - Sustainable Real Estate
- FIR 7320 - Financing Real Est Trans
- FIR 7350 - Real Est Invest Analys
- FIR 7410 - Invst Thry Portfol Mgmt
- FIR 7648 - Entrepreneurial Finance
- FIR 7710 - Sem Investment Thry
- FIR 7721 - Financial Derivatives
- FIR 7724 - Micro-Structure Theory
- FIR 7725 - Eqty Mkts:Trad/Struct
- FIR 7810 - Adv Financial Mgmt
- FIR 7840 - Quantitative Finan App
- FIR 7910 - Problems In Fir
- FIR 7911 - Internship in FIR
- FIR 7996 - Thesis
- FIR 8170 - Intl Financial Mgmt
- FIR 8410 - Invst Thry Portfol Mgmt
- FIR 8710 - Sem Investment Thry
- FIR 8721 - Financial Derivatives
- FIR 8724 - Microstructure Theory
- FIR 8725 - Financial Mkts: Trad/Struct
- FIR 8810 - Adv Financial Mgmt
- FIR 8820 - Thry/Prac Finan Mgmt
- FIR 8840 - Quantitative Finan App
- FIR 8850 - Seminar In Finance
- FIR 8910 - Problems In Finance
This concentration provides specialized knowledge in the management of healthcare organizations, and requires completing any four (4) courses from the list below, offered by the School of Public Health.
Course offerings at the School of Public Health vary from semester to semester. Additional electives may be found on the UofM Catalog under the Master of Health Administration, (MHA) program. Visit our catalog instructional page for details on how to utilize the UofM Catalog. If you choose a course from the list on the catalog, and not those outlined below, you will need to contact the MHA department to confirm eligibility prior to requesting any permits or registering for the course.
Electives: choose four (4) of the courses listed below:
- HADM 7105 - Health Policy & Organization Health Services
- HADM 7204 - Healthcare Quality & Outcomes Management
- HADM 7102 - Healthcare Law
- HADM 7140 - Population Health Management
- PUBH 7710 - Healthcare Economics
The focus of this concentration is to provide students with a foundation in the concepts, tools, and practices of Supply Chain Management.
This concentration requires completing all the courses below:
- SCMS 6510 - Operations Planning and Control
- SCMS 6620 - Logistics Management
- SCMS 6650 - Supply Management
- SCMS 7234 - Supply Chain Analytics
Suggested Course Load
You can complete your MBA degree at your own pace, making sure you have all the time you need to make the most out of your experience. On average, for every 1 credit hour in which you enroll, you can expect to spend 2-3 hours outside of class studying.
- 1 course (3 credit hours) ≈ 6-9 hours of study time per week
Professional MBA Student Demographic Summary
3 - 4 yrs.
Average Work Experience51%
Male Enrollment
Female Enrollment
Average Student Age
Minority Students