Professional MBA

Curriculum Overview

Our Professional MBA (PMBA) program is specifically designed for working professionals. You can choose from a combination of on campus evening classes and 100% online asynchronous course offerings, as well as the workload that best fits your busy lifestyle. Typically, students who work full-time take 2 courses (6 hours) per semester.

Our PMBA degree offers two (2) tracks, one with a concentration and one without. Both require taking the same 10 MBA Core courses, however, the requirements for electives differ. Explore both options below for additional details and list of concentrations.

Professional MBA

  • 36 Credit Hours
    • MBA Core - 10 courses / 30 hours
    • Electives - 2 courses / 6 hours

Professional MBA + Concentration

  • 42 Credit Hours
    • MBA Core - 10 courses / 30 hours
    • Electives - 4 courses / 12 hours

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