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Current & Tentative Course Offerings


Course offerings for a given semester are posted 3-4 weeks before registration for that semester starts. To view the registration date for a given semester, visit the Registrar's website to view their Dates & Deadlines Calendars.

  • Click on the links below to see MBA tentative course offerings for the upcoming semesters:
  • Online (asynchronous) course sections are labeled "M50", "M51", "M52",  etc.

  • Face-to-face course sections are labeled "001", "002", etc., and are not eligible for UM Global students. 

  • For specific course descriptions, please visit the Graduate Catalog website.

  • Class offerings are subject to change. For the most up-to-date list of courses offered, please check your MyMemphis portal

The chart below shows tentative course offerings based on offerings from previous years, and is subject to change.


MBA Core Courses

 Fall   Spring   Summer 
In Person Online  In Person Online  In Person Online 
ACCT 7080 - Financial & Managerial Accounting for Managers X X X X   X
*BA 7503 - Business Analytics for Managers   X   X    
BA 7501 - Impactful Leadership X X X X    
ECON 7100 - Economics for the Global Executive   X X X X X
FIR 7155 - Global Financial Management X X X X   X
MKTG 7140 - Global Strategic Marketing X X X X    
MIS 7650 - Information Systems in the Global Enterprise X X X X   X
SCMS 7313 - Supply Chain Operations Management X X X X   X
SCMS 7110 - Data Driven Decision Making X X X X   X
**MGMT 7160 - Global Strategic Management (capstone)   X X X X   X

* prerequisite: SCMS 7110
** capstone course is to be taken in the student's final semester.


Suggested Course Load


You can complete your MBA degree at your own pace, making sure you have all the time you need to make the most out of your experience. On average, for every 1 credit hour in which you enroll, you can expect to spend 2-3 hours outside of class studying.

  • 1 course (3 credit hours)  ≈ 6-9 hours of study time per week


Additional Considerations for Choosing Courses


MBA with Concentration


Dual Degrees

  • Make yourself familiar with course offerings that fit your primary degree schedule.

  • Contact your academic advisor to develop a completion plan for your MBA courses in advance.




Below are the chief academic calendars for each semester, published by the Registrar's Office with input from other key University offices. Links to the Graduate School's deadlines to apply for graduation are also published here for your convenience.


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