Master of Health Administration / Master of Business Administration


The University of Memphis School of Public Health and the Fogelman College of Business & Economics now offer a dual degree program that provides an educational experience in both healthcare management and general business knowledge and skills.

Earning a dual degree in Business Administration and Health Administration makes you more competitive for jobs and post-graduate fellowships in the field of health administration. 

This program can be completed in a full-time schedule of 24 months or in a part-time schedule for more flexibility. 

MBA Classes

Some courses must be taken in order, but others may be changed based on availability. Your academic advisor in the MHA and MBA programs will help you schedule all degree requirements.

MBA Classes are offered online or at the main University of Memphis campus at the Fogelman College of Business & Economics.


Students who wish to complete the dual MHA/MBA degree should apply and be accepted into the MBA program and to the MHA program. All applicants must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution.

For admission requirements for each program, please follow the links below: 


Students will be able to count coursework from each program towards both degrees. In total, students will take 71 credit hours of coursework. 



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