checklist iconDual Degree Admissions Information


An applicant must submit separate applications and be independently accepted to both the JD and MBA programs. A student is encouraged to apply to both programs at the same time. A law student must begin the MBA program before beginning the third year of law school course work. An MBA student must begin law school before completing one half of the course work in the MBA program. This program is designed for students who wish to complete both degrees simultaneously. Current law students seeking admission MBA portion of the program must take the GMAT or the GRE to be admitted. The LSAT will not substitute.

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PharmD/ MBA

Students who wish to complete the dual PharmD/MBA degree should apply to the MBA program after completing their 1st year of Pharmacy School at UTHSC. Students are required to have an undergraduate degree and are expected to work towards both degrees concurrently. This means that students will take their last pharmacy class(es) and MBA class(es) at the same time to graduate from both degrees.

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Students who wish to complete the dual MHA/MBA degree should apply and be accepted into the MBA program and to the MHA program. All applicants must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution.

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