person icon

Nick Delener - Headshot coming soon

Nick Delener
Interim Director & Professor
Email | 901.678.2889
Office: FCBE 200A

April Jones

April Jones
MS Academic Advisor
Email | 901.678.3499
Office: FCB 101

James Lukawitz

James Lukawitz
MS Program Coordinator

Email | 901.678.3030
Office: FCB 226

Dr. Nirmalee Raddatz

Dr. Nirmalee Raddatz
PhD Program Advisor

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Dr. William Smith

Dr. William Smith
Department Chair & Professor
Email | 901.678.3675
Office: FAB 400A

April Jones

April Jones
MA Academic Advisor
Email | 901.678.3499
Office: FCB 101

Jamin Speer

Jamin Speer
Associate Professor &
MA Program Coordinator
Email | 901.678.1192
Office: FAB 413

Dr. Joonhyung Lee

Dr. Joonhyung Lee
PhD Program Coordinator
E-mail | 901.678.1659
Office: FAB 411

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Dr. Pankaj Jain

Dr. Pankaj Jani
Department Chair & Professor
Email | 901.678.3810
Office: FAB 402

April Jones

April Jones
MSBA Program Advisor
Email | 901.678.3499
Office: FCB 101

Dr. Konstantiv Sokolov

Dr. Konstantin Sokolov
PhD Program Program
Email | 901.678.3345
Office: FAB 425

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Kurt Kraiger

Dr. Kurt Kraiger
Department Chair & Professor
Email | 901.678.4551
Office: FAB 203

Cicala headshot

Dr. John Cicala
MBA Program Coordinator
Email | 901.678.4613
Office: FAB 227


Dr. James Vardaman
PhD Program Coordinator
Email | 901.678.4551
Office: FAB 202

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Sandra Richardson

Dr. Sandra Richardson
Department Chair & Professor
Email | 901.678.4536
Office: FAB 432

Sandy Schaeffer

Dr. Sandy Schaffer
Department Coordinator
Email | 901.678.4613
Office: FAB 227

Anna Myers

Anna Myers
MSIS Program Advisor
Email | 901.678.3442
Office: FAB 101

Huigang Liang

Dr. Huigang Liang
PhD Program Advisor
Email | 901.678.4613
Office: FAB 346

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Dr. Ernest Nichols

Dr. Ernest Nichols
Department Chair & Associate Professor
Email | 901.678.2667
Office: FCBE 302A

Dr. Susy Jaramillo

Dr. Susy Jaramillo
Assistant Professor & PhD Co-Coordinator
Email | 619.738.1031
Office: FCBE 421

Dr. Alex Pratt

Dr. Alex Pratt
Assistant Professor & PhD Co-Coordinator
Email | 901.678.4551
Office: FCBE 437

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