magnifying glass with arrow icon Accelerated Bachelor's + Master's Programs (ABM)

The FCBE offers three (3) Accelerated Bachelor to Master's Program (ABM), which allows qualified undergraduates to simultaneously earn up to 12 graduate credit hours toward the completion of both their bachelor’s and master’s degrees during their undergraduate senior year. 

Undergraduate level tuition will be assessed for both undergraduate and graduate courses for an undergraduate level student who is taking part in the ABM program.

Eligibility and admission standards vary between each ABM program. Therefore, students should speak to their academic advisor and review the undergraduate catalog for the most up-to-date details.

Eligibility & Admissions

Please see the Undergraduate Catalog for qualifications for acceptance into ABM programs.

Step 1: Initiating ABM Coursework

  • The student must receive an invitation or sponsorship from a program faculty member and the undergraduate advisor.

  • The student must then meet with their undergraduate academic advisor to discuss program requirements to ascertain if minimum qualifications have been met for entry into the program,

  • Thereafter, all other program/departmental/school/college approvals must be obtained. (See Step 2)


Step 2: Completing the ABM Request Form

  • The ABM departmental approver will contact the Graduate School requesting the addition of the ABM designation to the students record, noting which starting term and year the designation needs to be active.

  • Then, the ABM departmental approver will complete and sign the ABM Request Form, including only the student’s planned classes with open registration.

  • The ABM departmental approver submits the completed ABM Request Form to the student’s graduation analyst in their program of study for review and signature.

  • The analyst then forwards the ABM form to the Registrar’s Office for processing.
    • If the student wishes to take a course for a future term, an additional form must be completed once registration opens for that term.

arrow icon  NOTE: In order for the Graduate School to add the ABM designation to the student’s record and the Registrar’s Office to process the ABM paperwork plus add the UG equivalent course(s), the student must have applied to the Graduate School.


Step 3: Obtaining Registrar’s Office Approval and Registration Permit

  • Once the ABM Request Form is approved, the advisor issues an ABM Permit to the student so that he or she may register for a graduate-level course.
    • Students without permits will receive a level restriction block from registering for graduate courses.

  • Once the ABM Request Form is submitted the Registrar’s Office will confirm receipt and approval with the Graduate School.


Step 4: Grading the ABM Student

  • Upon registration to the graduate-level course, the undergraduate-level course equivalent will be added to the student record and appear as 'in progress' until the end of the term.

  • Upon completion of the course, standard grades and credit hours will be applied to the graduate-level course, and a grade of 'S' (Satisfactory) or 'U' (Unsatisfactory) will be applied to the undergraduate-level equivalent course. 

  • If at any time the student withdraws from the graduate-level ABM course, receiving a ‘W’ (Withdrawal) grade, a ‘W’ will also be applied to the undergraduate-level equivalent course.



FCBE Accelerated Programs

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