Grading Policies of the Fogelman College of Business & Economics

The Fogelman College of Business & Economics (FCBE) is a fully AACSB accredited business school, which is the premier accreditation for business schools. Furthermore, the University of Memphis is a Carnegie R1 Research University, which makes it one of the top universities in the U.S. These designations require the College to maintain the highest academic standards in its courses.


Policy on Cheating and Plagiarism

Consistent with the University of Memphis policy on academic misconduct, the Fogelman College of Business & Economics maintains its own policy of academic misconduct. All forms of cheating and plagiarism on all graded exams and assignments in FCBE courses are strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. FCBE instructors who have discovered cheating or plagiarism are authorized to penalize all students involved. All participants in cheating and plagiarism, whether accepting or providing help or answers on individual exams or assignments are considered equally culpable. Lack of understanding of what constitutes cheating or plagiarism is not a defense as the University clearly defines academic misconduct and provides resources to students on the linked websites to understand and avoid cheating and plagiarism. Penalties may include, but are not limited to, a grade of zero on the exam or assignment involved, setting a limit on the final course letter grade, or outright failure in the course. Specific penalties will be determined at the sole discretion of the course instructor. Departments have the right to track infractions at the department level and may use such information in assigning penalties, awarding graduate assistantships, and in other matters.


Policy on Adjustments to Final Grades

Final course grades in every FCBE course are based exclusively on the grading scheme stated in the course syllabus. Grades are never given or adjusted because of student needs for any reason, including, but not limited to, graduation requirements, financial aid considerations, and academic probation issues. Similarly, student perception of level of workload or effort expended should not be a basis for the assignment of a final grade. End-of-semester extra credit assignments to improve final grades are strictly prohibited. At the discretion of the instructor, circumstances warranting a course extension will be managed with a final grade of Incomplete (I) per university regulations.


Policy on Grade Appeals

The University of Memphis procedures on grade appeals can be found here for undergraduate and graduate courses. Only final recorded course grades can be appealed. Department chairs cannot review grades until after the course instructor has responded to a student appeal.

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