Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for admission to the Fogelman College of Business and Economics?

You are not required to submit an application to be admitted to the Fogelman College of Business and Economics. Apply as a degree-seeking student through the Office of Admissions and select a Business major. https://www.memphis.edu/admissions/ 


What Undergraduate majors does the Fogelman College of Business and Economics offer? 

Students can earn a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree in the following majors: Accounting, Business Economics, Business Information and Technology, Finance, International Business, Management, Marketing, Supply Chain Management.  More information about our majors and minors can be found here: https://www.memphis.edu/fcbe/programs/index.php, https://www.memphis.edu/fcbe/news/brochures.php 


Does FCBE offer online programs? 

Yes. The following majors are offered through the Global Online Degree program: Accounting, Business Information and Technology, Finance, Management, Marketing.  The Professional Real Estate Program is also offered online. More information can be found here: https://www.memphis.edu/uofmglobal/ 


I have been admitted as a transfer student.  When/How will my transfer coursework be evaluated? 

After degree-seeking students are admitted, the Admissions Office will officially evaluate transfer credit.  Your academic advisor will review your transfer credit evaluation and discuss how the credit earned will apply to your degree in the College of Business. The Transfer Equivalency Table can serve as a guide to how courses transfer from some institutions to the University of Memphis: https://www.memphis.edu/admissions/transfer-archive/et_disclaimer.php  Non-degree seeking students may not have transfer evaluations. Students should check with the Admissions office for additional information: https://www.memphis.edu/admissions/apply/index.php  


Is Academic Advising Required? 

Yes. All students must have an advisor clear their Alternate PIN hold each semester before they can register for classes.  Students must have an advisor assigned in order to make an advising appointment online through the NAVIGATE System. Non-degree seeking students are not required to be advised and will not be assigned an academic advisor. 


Do I have to come in person to see my advisor?

No, students can also make phone and virtual appointments to meet with their advisor.  If you have an idea of what you want and need to take, Self-Advising is also an option.  Go here to find out about all FCBE advising options: https://www.memphis.edu/fcbeusso/advising/index.php  


I have been admitted as a new incoming Freshman or a transfer student with less than 30 hours. How do I make an advising appointment?

First-time Freshmen entering in a Fall semester are required to attend New Student Orientation and will be advised during the Orientation process in the Summer.  All Freshmen and Transfer students with less than 30 hours will be advised in the Academic Advising Center (AAC) before being transferred by an ACC counselor to the College of Business. ACC information can be found here: https://www.memphis.edu/aac/   Non-degree seeking students can also seek advising assistance in the ACC.


I am a current FCBE major or a new student with over 30 hours.  How do I make an advising appointment? 

If you have not been assigned an academic advisor, send an email through your University of Memphis email account (include your UUID# and major in the email) to fcbeadvising@memphis.edu to request an advisor assignment. If you have an FCBE advisor assigned to you, make your advising appointment online through the NAVIGATE system or use the NAVIGATE Student Mobile App.  More information can be found here: https://www.memphis.edu/fcbeusso/advising/index.php 


I don’t know if I have an advisor assigned to me.  How can I find out? 

Log in to your myMemphis account and go to the Student Pages tab.  Your advisor’s name will be displayed at the top of the page. If you have been newly admitted or readmitted for the semester and are eligible to be advised in the College of Business, send an email to fcbeadvising@memphis.edu and include your UUID# and major in the email to request an advisor assignment 


How do I prepare for my advising appointment with my academic advisor? 

  • Have your username/password set up for your myMemphis account
  • Access your UMdegree worksheet to view degree requirements before and during your advising appointment
  • Log into your myMemphis account; go to the My Degree section; click on the graduation hat in the UMdegree logo to access your UMdegree worksheet


Why did I received a Prerequisite Test Score error when I tried to register for a 3000 or 4000 level Business course?

  • Business majors must request permits for Upper Division business courses (3000-4000 level) if they have not completed the Lower Business core; have less than 45 college-level hours; and/or have not completed specific course prerequisites with the appropriate grades.
  • Non-business majors must request permits for all Upper Division business courses. 45 college-level hours and specific course prerequisites must be completed to be eligible to take Upper Division business courses.
  • Non-degree seeking students without transcript evaluations must provide unofficial transcripts to fcbeadvising@memphis.edu to verify that prerequisite course requirements have been met.How can I request a permit for an Upper Division Business course; request to get into a full class; or declare a major/minor within the College of Business? 


How can I request a permit for an Upper Division Business course; request to get into a full class; or declare a major/minor within the College of Business? 

All of these requests can be made electronically. Forms and additional information can be found here: https://www.memphis.edu/fcbeusso/advising/forms.php  


When will I be eligible to take Upper Division (3000-4000 level) business courses? 

Students who have declared a major within the College of Business must complete all Lower Core Business courses; ENGL 1010, ENGL 1020, COMM 2381, and English Literature with the appropriate grades to be eligible to take Upper Division business courses 


How do I maintain good standing within the College of Business? 

Students are required to complete all business courses with a minimum grade of “C” and must obtain the required grade within a maximum of 3 attempts. Failure to meet these requirements can result in an inability to continue to pursue a BBA degree.


What requirements do I have to meet to graduate with a BBA degree? 

  • Students must complete a minimum of 120 semester hours with a minimum Overall, Institutional, Upper Division Business Core, and Major Core grade point average (GPA) of 2.00. A cumulative GPA of 2.25 is required in the Lower Division Business Core 
  • All students must apply for graduation before they can be put on the graduation list 
  • Additional BBA requirements can be found here: https://catalog.memphis.edu/preview_entity.php?catoid=17&ent_oid=1025&returnto=749     


When can I register for Strategic Management (MGMT 4710)?

MGMT 4710 can only be taken by graduating Seniors in their final semester.  Students must submit an application for graduation before they will be eligible to register for MGMT 4710.


Where can I obtain more information about undergraduate academic advising in FCBE?


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