Morgan Morton Study Abroad Fund
Morgan Morton, a Fogelman College alumnus and supporter established the Morgan Morton Study Abroad Fund. This fund is designed to stimulate international and domestic travel for undergraduate, masters and PhD business students. Priority is given for international travel and to undergraduate students in their final year of study. The travel fund is intended to enhance students' learning about businesses (both for-profit and not-for-profit) and to further their professional development.
A selection committee appointed by the Dean's office selects the applicants based on merit, and also determines the amount of monetary support the student receives. The estimated amount of support per student is typically between $500 and $1500. However, this amount may change based upon the demand for funding, and generally, higher amounts will be awarded for international travel.
Students who are selected to receive travel funds will be required to submit a written
report or make a presentation detailing the learning experiences of the trip upon
return. Students may travel individually or as a group, but must be in good academic
standing with the University. The purpose of individual travel may include attending
conferences, traveling for internships or studying abroad. Group travel, for example,
may include traveling for case competitions. University faculty and staff may be eligible
to use this fund, but only if a chaperone is deemed necessary for student learning.
How to Apply
To apply for the Morgan Morton Study Abroad Fund, please complete the following application (Please be sure to download the form, then use the Adobe "Fill & Sign" funtion to record your responses.). In addition to the application, please include;
A one-page description of the trip including a list of the courses you'll be taking, expected learning outcomes, how this trip will make you more knowledgeable in global business and how you plan to use the knowledge and skills gained abroad to enhance your personal and professional goals, etc.
Your current resume
A letter of recommendation from a faculty or staff member at the FCBE.
Please submit all four (4) documents to Felicia Roddy Jackson for review. Please drop
off applications addressed to Felicia Roddy Jackson at the reception desk of the Undergraduate
Student Services Office in the Fogelman College Admin Building, during normal business
hours (8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday).
Application Deadlines
If you are planning to study abroad during Winter Break or the Spring Semester, applications must be submitted by October 15.
If you are planning to study abroad during the Fall Semester, Summer Semester or Academic Year, applications must be submitted by March 15.
To find out more information or if you have questions, please contact
Felicia Roddy-Jackson
Email - Phone: 901.678.2859
Office: Fogelman College of Business & Economics, FAB 114