Dr. Pierce published in Journal of Educational Psychology
For release: February 3, 2016
Dr. Chuck Pierce, Great Oaks Foundation Professor and Chair of the Department of Management,
recently collaborated with colleagues from Indiana University and the University of
Illinois to publish a research study in the Journal of Educational Psychology. The article is entitled “Differential Prediction Generalization in College Admissions
The study uncovers hidden bias in college admissions tests and suggests that ‘hundreds of thousands of college students have been affected by differential and varied predictions of their success based on how they perform on standardized tests such as the SAT.’ The authors assess the extent to which predicted first-year college grade point average (GPA) based on high-school grade point average (HSGPA) and SAT scores depend on a student’s ethnicity and gender and whether this difference varies across samples. Results uncover evidence for across-institution variability in gender-based and race-based differential prediction in college admissions testing.