Dr. Kedia and Ph.D. student receive Best Paper Award at the Academy of International Business

For release:  July 11, 2016

Dr. Ben Kedia, Robert Wang Chair of Excellence in International Business and professor in the Department of Management, and fourth-year Ph.D. student, Rama Reddy, recently received the Best Paper Award for the Emerging Economies Track at the Academy of International Business in New Orleans, LA. The paper is entitled "Bidding Behavior of Emerging Market Firms in Their Advanced Market Firm Acquisitions."

The study examines the bidding behavior of emerging market firms (EMFs) in their advanced market firm (AMF) acquisitions. The authors argue that the state of institutions, factor market munificence, and the level of capital market development will determine the bidding behavior of EMFs. Using 4165 cross-border acquisitions (of AMFs) originating from 48 emerging markets, they find that the home country environment is in-fact important in determining the bidding behavior of EMFs. The results obtained through hierarchical linear regression suggest that home country institutional development will promote aggressive bidding behavior of EMFs, while capital market development will restraint aggressive bidding behavior of EMFs.