Dr. David Allen Elected as Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
For release: January 30, 2015
Dr. David Allen, distinguished professor of Management, has been elected as Fellow
of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). SIOP, with more
than 8,000 members worldwide, is the professional association dedicated to advancing
the scientific study of the workplace. Fellow status in SIOP is an honor granted through
a nomination process, under the direction of the SIOP Fellowship Committee. This status
specifically recognizes unusual and outstanding contributions or performances with
national and international impact on the scientific study of the workplace. Dr. Allen’s
nomination was for advancing the Society’s mission to enhance human well-being and
performance in organizational and work settings through scholarship, teaching, mentoring,
and professional and community service. His scholarly research was on how organizations
attract, socialize, and retain talent. He will be formally inducted during the Opening
Plenary session at this year’s SIOP Conference in Philadelphia.