Marla Stafford Releases New Book, Advertising and Violence

For release:  September 3, 2014

Dr. Marla Royne Stafford, Great Oaks Foundation Professor of Marketing and chair of the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management, has recently released a new book entitled, Advertising and Violence: Concepts and Perspectives. Dr. Stafford served as one of the book's editors alongside Dr. Nora J. Rifon of Michigan State University and Dr. Les Carlson of the University of Nebraska.

Based on a widely cited special issue of the Journal of Advertising, the book identifies and analyzes the important issues related to violence in advertising and its overall effects on society. The chapter authors, all notable experts in the field, take a multidisciplinary approach that incorporates perspectives from disciplines other than marketing in order to provide a broad-based view of how advertising and violence coalesce and the policy implications of this juxtaposition.

Each chapter covers a different but related topic on the subject of violence in advertising, listed as the following:

  • Violence in Media Defined;
  • Humor and Violence in Advertising;
  • Sex and Violence in Advertising;
  • Effects of Violence in Advertising;
  • Special Concerns for Children;
  • Public Service Campaigns;
  • Regulatory Issues.


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