Ankur Arora, PhD

Assistant Professor

Ankur Arora


Ankur Arora, who completed his PhD at the University of Arkansas in 2022, is a tenure track assistant professor in Business Analytics at the Fogelman College of Business and Economics, University of Memphis. His research focuses on understanding the business value of IT, IT alignment, societal impacts of Artificial Technologies, healthcare IT, and IT project management. His work has appeared in leading journals in information systems, and medical informatics. His papers have been published or in advanced rounds of review in the premier journals in information systems (i.e., Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, and MIS Quarterly).

He has taught a wide variety of undergraduate courses in Information Systems during his PhD, and currently teaches master courses in Data Analytics in the University of Memphis. Student evaluations have rated him to be among the best instructors at the various institutions, and he was nominated as the Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching Award at the University of Arkansas. He has performed extensive administration and service including an associate editor role in International Conference in Information Systems 2023.

He has reviewed papers in the premier journals of Information Systems (i.e., MIS Quarterly, Decision Sciences, European Journal of Information Systems), and conferences in Information Systems (i.e., ICIS, EJIS, PACIS). He has also served in the search committees for tenure track and non-tenure track assistant professor positions at the University of Memphis. He was selected in the doctoral consortium in AMCIS and ICIS during his final year of PhD. He is a fellow of the AIS.


  • MIS 7700



  • Venkatesh, V., Thong, J.Y.L., Spohrer, K, Arora, A., Chan, F., and Hoehle, H. 2023. “Equality Does Not Make You Happy: Effects of LMX Differentiation and TMX on Developer Satisfaction in Agile IS Development Teams,” MIS Quarterly.

  • Reychav, I., Arora, A., Sabherwal, R., Polyak, K., Sun, J., and Azuri, J. 2021. “Reporting Health Data in Waiting Rooms with Mobile Technology: Patient Expectation and Confirmation,” International Journal of Medical Informatics.

  • Aloysius, J.A., Arora, A., and Venkatesh, V. 2019. “Shoplifting in Mobile Checkout Settings: Cybercrime in Retail Stores,” IT & People.