Cecil C Humphreys School of Law |
Cecil C Humphreys School of Law |
Katy Ramsey Mason |
kramsey1@memphis.edu |
4589 |
College of Arts & Sciences |
Anthropology |
Will Robertson |
wjrbrtsn@memphis.edu |
2080 |
College of Arts & Sciences |
Biological Sciences |
Omar Skalli |
oskalli@memphis.edu |
College of Arts & Sciences |
Chemistry |
William Alexander |
W.alexander@memphis.edu |
2632 |
College of Arts & Sciences |
City and Regional Planning |
Reza Banai |
Rbanai@memphis.edu |
4558 |
College of Arts & Sciences |
Computer Science |
Sajjan Shiva |
Sshiva@memphis.edu |
5667 |
College of Arts & Sciences |
Criminology and Criminal Justice |
Tim McCuddy |
Tmccuddy@memphis.edu |
4460 |
College of Arts & Sciences |
Earth Sciences |
Ryan Parish |
rmparish@memphis.edu |
2606 |
College of Arts & Sciences |
English |
Jeff Scraba |
jscraba@memphis.edu |
College of Arts & Sciences |
History |
Bradley Dixon |
bjdixon1@memphis.edu |
3869 |
College of Arts & Sciences |
Mathematical Sciences |
Máté Wierdl |
mwierdl@memphis.edu |
2483 |
College of Arts & Sciences |
Military Sciences, Naval Sciences |
Daniel E. Millican |
dmillicn@memphis.edu |
5863 |
College of Arts & Sciences |
Philosophy |
Sean Driscoll |
sdrscoll@memphis.edu |
2535 |
College of Arts & Sciences |
Physics and Materials Science |
Francisco Muller-Sanchez |
f.muller.sanchez@memphis.edu |
2620 |
College of Arts & Sciences |
Political Science |
Dursun Peksen |
Dpeksen@memphis.edu |
2395 |
College of Arts & Sciences |
Psychology |
Stephanie Huette |
Shuette@memphis.edu |
3677 |
College of Arts & Sciences |
Public and Nonprofit Administration |
John Topinka |
jptpinka@memphis.edu |
3365 |
College of Arts & Sciences |
School of Social Work |
Katie Norwood |
Kknrwood@memphis.edu |
4797 |
College of Arts & Sciences |
Sociology |
Jeni Loftus |
Jmloftus@memphis.edu |
4464 |
College of Arts & Sciences |
World Languages and Literatures |
Melanie Conroy |
Mrconroy@memphis.edu |
College of Communication and Fine Arts |
Architecture |
Jenna Thompson |
jlthmps5@memphis.edu |
College of Communication and Fine Arts |
Art |
Coe Lapossy |
Cclpossy@memphis.edu |
College of Communication and Fine Arts |
Communication and Film |
Amanda Young |
Ajyoung@memphis.edu |
3612 |
College of Communication and Fine Arts |
Journalism and Strategic Media |
Joel Nichols |
jmnchols@memphis.edu |
2852 |
College of Communication and Fine Arts |
Theatre and Dance |
Michael Medcalf |
mlmdcalf@memphis.edu |
4279 |
College of Communication and Fine Arts |
Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music |
Stephen Karr |
sfkarr@memphis.edu |
2451 |
College of Education |
Counseling, Educational Psychology & Research |
Eli Jones |
eajones8@memphis.edu |
College of Education |
Instruction and Curriculum Leadership |
DeAnna Owens-Mosby |
Dgish@memphis.edu |
1360 |
College of Education |
Leadership |
Edith Gnanadass |
Gnnadass@memphis.edu |
2369 |
College of Professional & Liberal Studies |
College of Professional & Liberal Studies |
Barbara Fitzgerald, Esq. |
B.Fitzgerald@memphis.edu |
2153 |
School of Communication Sciences & Disorders |
School of Communication Sciences & Disorders |
Miriam van Mersbergen |
mrvnmrsb@memphis.edu |
5800 |
Fogelman College of Business & Economics |
Management Information Systems |
Srikar Velichety |
svlchety@memphis.edu |
3609 |
Fogelman College of Business & Economics |
Economics |
Andrew Hussey |
Ajhussey@memphis.edu |
1487 |
Fogelman College of Business & Economics |
Finance, Insurance and Real Estate |
Mark Sunderman |
Msndrman@memphis.edu |
5142 |
Fogelman College of Business & Economics |
Management |
Laura Alderson |
laura.alderson@memphis.edu |
901-730-6637 |
Fogelman College of Business & Economics |
Marketing and Supply Chain Management |
Gensheng Liu |
gliu@memphis.edu |
Fogelman College of Business & Economics |
School of Accountancy |
Kate Sorensen |
kbsrnsen@memphis.edu |
4569 |
Herff College of Engineering |
Biomedical Engineering |
Jessica Jennings |
Jjnnings@memphis.edu |
2283 |
Herff College of Engineering |
Civil Engineering |
Shahram Pezeshk |
spezeshk@memphis.edu |
Herff College of Engineering |
Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Eddie Jacobs |
Eljacobs@memphis.edu |
3312 |
Herff College of Engineering |
Engineering Technology |
Herff College of Engineering |
Mechanical Engineering |
Gladius Lewis |
glewis@memphis.edu |
3266 |
Kemmons Wilson School of Hospitality |
Kemmons Wilson School of Hospitality and Resort Management |
Rhema Fuller |
rfuller2@memphis.edu |
3486 |
Loewenberg College of Nursing |
Acute, Chronic, and Continuing Care Science |
Kristy Patrick-Lewis |
klptrick@memphis.edu |
Loewenberg College of Nursing |
Family, Community, and Health Systems Science |
Joy Hoffman |
jehoffmn@memphis.edu |
3101 |
College of Health Sciences |
Healthcare Leadership |
Greg Hughes |
gshughes@memphis.edu |
4316 |
School of Public Health |
Division of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Environmental Health |
Xinhua Yu |
xyu2@memphis.edu |
3433 |
University Libraries |
University Libraries |
Carl Hess |
chess2@memphis.edu |
8209 |