Section 6.3 | Faculty Handbook Review and Revisions


6.3.1 Responsibility


The Faculty Senate, the provost, and the president accept the provisions of this handbook. All have shared responsibility for revision.  The provost is responsible maintaining the Faculty Handbook which shall be made available on this website. 


6.3.2 Review

The Faculty Policies Standing Committee of the Faculty Senate will periodically review the provisions set forth in this Handbook. The Faculty Policies Standing Committee may initiate a proposed revision to the Faculty Handbook, after consultation with the provost. Recommendations for revision may also be brought forth by the president or provost for Faculty Senate consideration. Such recommendations may be submitted to the Faculty Senate president or to the Faculty Policies Standing Committee of the Faculty Senate. If the recommendation is submitted to the Faculty Senate president, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee will decide on whether to charge the Faculty Policies Standing Committee to review the recommendations.

  1. Minor Revisions >

  2. Major Revisions >


< 6.2 University Policies 6.3.2A Minor Revisions >


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