Section 6: Revision of the Faculty Handbook


6.2 University Policies 


The most recent versions of the university policies are available on the university website. Questions about a particular policy or issue should be addressed to the division administrator. The university's Policy Review Board (PRB) assists in the formulation, review, and distribution of all university policies.  The Policy Review Board is comprised of representatives from all major divisions of university and includes a representative from the Faculty Senate.

In accordance with Section 1.5 of this Handbook, the responsible administrative divisions will consult with Faculty Senate regarding proposed policy changes that may impact faculty. When official university policies and procedures are changed such changes become effective on the date designated at the time of their adoption and supersede any conflicting or inconsistent provision in the Faculty Handbook.

The provost shall update the handbook in accordance with the newly adopted university policies and shall notify the Faculty Senate president that the Faculty Handbook is being revised.


< 6.1 Board of Trustees' Authority 6.3 Faculty Handbook Review and Revisions >


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