3.4 Salary, Leave, and Benefits

Use the following links to navigate to a specific supsection of Section 3.4.

3.4.1 Salaries
3.4.2 Educational Benefits
3.4.3 Leaves of Absence
3.4.4 Retirement and Insurance Benefits
3.4.5 Holidays


3.4.1 Salaries


Faculty salary payments for the academic year are paid over a twelve (12) month period (September through August) and are deposited directly into the faculty member's bank account, normally on the last banking day of each month.

Compensation for part-time or adjunct faculty is evenly divided into three monthly payments. Salary payments are made on the last banking day of the month. For the fall semester, payments are made on the last banking days of October, November, and December. For the spring semester, payments are made on the last banking days of February, March, and April. Salary for faculty who do not complete a full academic year or full semester, or who begin employment late in the semester, is prorated as follows:

  1. Faculty who complete one full semester will earn one-half of their academic year salary.

  2. When an appointment begins or ends on a date other than the beginning or end of a semester, the compensation for that part of a semester will be calculated as follows:

    1. Compensation will be based on the actual number of faculty workdays in the semester which is maintained by the provost and available on the university website.

    2. The period between fall commencement and spring registration, approved holidays, the fall break, and the spring break are excluded when calculating the number of workdays in each semester.


Payments for the summer session, longevity payments, and extra compensation are included in the month-end paycheck. Faculty may authorize payroll deductions for approved charitable organizations.


3.4.2 Educational Benefits


The Staff Scholarship & Fee Waiver program allows faculty members to take one course per semester at no charge. The spouse and dependent children of faculty are entitled to a 50% fee discount for undergraduate courses at any public state university or college. Dependent children are eligible for this program through age 26. More information on these educational benefits can be found on the university website.


3.4.3 Leaves of Absence


It is the policy of the university to provide approved, time off to regular employees due to reasons of illness or injury, leave for educational purposes and for justifiable personal reasons. In accordance with university policy, a leave of absence, not to exceed one year, may be granted for justifiable absences for personal and/or medical reasons under certain circumstances. Further information on paid and unpaid leave such as sickness, military, court, emergency, parental, etc.) can be found on the university website.


3.4.4 Retirement and Insurance Benefits


Detailed information on faculty retirement and insurance benefit plans can be found on the university website. In addition, the privileges for retired faculty are described on the university website.


3.4.5 Holidays


Dates of official university holidays are announced annually and are available on the university website.



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