3.3 Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Works Policies

Use the following links to navigate to specific subsection of Section 3.3.

3.3.1 Research Misconduct
3.3.2 Intellectual Property
3.3.3 Safeguarding Research in Progress
3.3.4 Regulatory Issues
3.3.5 Faculty Incentive Compensation
3.3.6 Disclosure of Financial Interest Related to Sponsored Research
3.3.7 Certification of Effort


3.3.1 Research Misconduct

Consistent with federal regulations, the university is the primary agent for the prevention, detection, and investigation of research misconduct by faculty, staff, and students. The university strives to ensure the integrity of research, protection of the rights of faculty, staff, and students involved in research, the rights of research subjects, and the protection and rights of the public. The university also observes the local requirements related to federal research funding and other external funding sources.

All employees who are engaged in any kind of research, whether funded by the University, an external agency, or unfunded, are responsible for familiarizing themselves with this policy to ensure that research at the university is conducted with the highest ethical standards.


3.3.2 Intellectual Property


The university's policy Intellectual Property is applicable to all faculty, administrators, staff, students, and other individuals employed by or enrolled in the university. It is the responsibility of these individuals to acquaint themselves with this policy. The policy covers the ownership, distribution, and commercial development of the intellectual property of all faculty, staff, student employees, students, and postdoctoral fellows, as well as non-employees who participate or intend to participate in teaching and/or research or scholarship projects at the university.


3.3.3 Safeguarding Research in Progress


It is the responsibility of the individual faculty member to take the necessary steps to protect research in progress.


3.3.4 Regulatory Issues

Federal and state regulatory agencies, granting agencies, and other funding sources promulgate regulations, standards, and related requirements that have the potential to impact laboratory research activities. The standing committees at the university which oversee compliance of many of these requirements can be found on the university website.


3.3.5 Faculty Incentive Compensation

In accordance with university policy on Faculty Incentive Compensation, faculty may receive supplemental compensation based upon research and scholarly productivity. In no case will Incentive Compensation be charged to a sponsored project. The purpose of the policy to reward faculty for sustained research productivity and scholarly activities.


3.3.6 Disclosure of Financial Interest Related to Sponsored Research

University employees responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of a sponsored project at the university must disclose significant personal financial interests related to the Investigator’s institutional responsibilities. When the university determines that such an interest might reasonably appear to be directly and significantly affected by the sponsored project, the university will take steps either to manage or to eliminate the conflict of interest.


3.3.7 Certification of Effort

As a condition of receiving federal funding, institutions must maintain an accurate system for reporting the percentage of effort that employees devote to federally sponsored projects. Compliance with the Certification of Effort policy protects the university against penalties and funding disallowance due to inaccurate, incomplete, or untimely effort reporting. All individuals involved in the effort certification process are expected to abide strictly by the provisions of the policy.



< 3.2 Faculty Personnel Policies 3.4 Salary, Leave, and Benefits >


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